Actually.. they are. You're probably confusing Assault with Battery, which a lot of people do.
Battery = Physical Contact.
Assault = The Threat of Battery.
Actually.. they are. You're probably confusing Assault with Battery, which a lot of people do.
Battery = Physical Contact.
Assault = The Threat of Battery.
Actually.. they are. You're probably confusing Assault with Battery, which a lot of people do.
Battery = Physical Contact.
Assault = The Threat of Battery.
Of course, mfoga knows it all as always. We would probably all do well to defer to his eminent legal expertise.
Of course, mfoga knows it all as always. We would probably all do well to defer to his eminent legal expertise.
Having said that, on the off chance he has made some inexplicable error, accusations of assault would have to be decided by a judge. I said he could probably be sued, and he could be. No guarantee the judge would find in the plaintiff's favor. From free legal dictionary (google search):
"Generally, the essential elements of assault consist of an act intended to cause an apprehension of harmful or offensive contact that causes apprehension of such contact in the victim.
The act required for an assault must be overt. Although words alone are insufficient, they might create an assault when coupled with some action that indicates the ability to carry out the threat"
Guy made implicit threats then drove to the guy's house where he could have potentially carried them out. Could easily be interpreted as "assault."
Well if I have disappointed you somehow mfoga, then I'm surely gonna lose a lot of sleep over it.First if you have an issue with me your welcome to take it to PM instead of taking yet another jab. I would expect much more from a MOD!!!!! Maybe if you want to sit and talk ***** maybe you need to PM Dave ans step down that way you can't hide behind Mod powers when someone comes back after you.
He said I going to knock on your door. And when asked why, he said your find out soon. There is not a single threat in that.
Awesome... maybe that's what happened to "that who shall not be named" so he doesn't posts here anymore!!!!
if you have an issue with me your welcome to take it to PM