HT Ani Com Scar sells for over 2K

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Screw the Ani Con Scar. I sent an AVP Elder to Silent Surfer, and he created the most movie accurate Scar Pred that I have ever seen, and it was a helluva lot less $$ also.
like i said earlier, the quality of the figure isn't what drives the price. it's because it says "exclusive" on it and there's only 250 of them. the $2k price is just a reflection of the collector's ego... assuming it was a real bid, anyway.

i don't see how that makes you different from a moron ebayer. to me, $400 for the Celtic is just as retarded as $2k for the Anicom. i paid retail for mine. you reap what you sow, and now you AVP fans can barely afford the collectibles anymore.

I know it's because it's an exclusive. The inflation gets nuttier and nuttier on these things. At the time, $400 was a lot, but it was still under the going rate. I didn't push anything higher.
Remember when that P2 Elder crossed the 1K mark two months ago? Now that's how most of the feeBay sellers are pricing theirs to begin with. Because someone (even if it was a shill bid) gave them the 'ok' to do it.

Screw the Ani Con Scar. I sent an AVP Elder to Silent Surfer, and he created the most movie accurate Scar Pred that I have ever seen, and it was a helluva lot less $$ also.

True dat. Front teeth and texturing was also way better. :rock
i wonder if i could sell my anicom scar box for half that???? :monkey3 :rotfl
i think he meant these pennies.
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sour graping.:lol

Sour graping would be if I actually wanted Scar. I could go on for hours crying about how I was screwed out of a P2 by my girlfriend and simply didn't pay attention when Anytime came out. I wouldn't pay $100 for a scar. Unless I could resell it, lol.

I don't mean to rain on anyones parade, though. Congrats to that seller and the buyer who wanted it.
I have a HT Ani com Scar, bought him from Toys2 back in the day for $160. I think at the time that was the most expensive Pred I ever bought. Times sure have changed. I think the 2K is a completist mentality. IMO No one really wants an inferior Pred for a small fortune, they just want to complete the collection. When first released, I was buying all the AVP because they were the best thing out at the time, even got both Ancient versions. Cause I have a completist mentality : ) Anyways, just my 2 cents.
Was thinking the exact same thing. Grats to the seller though :)
oh wait, that was Tusser, not Barnum. the Barnum one had something to do with the frequency of suckers being born. still works.
lol ******* buyer...

jk....hope that wasn't anyone on the forum lol

but seriously, who cares, its his/her money right? Congrats!
What you guys talking about?! None of you even focus on bigger picture? There's another seller put Buy It Now price for $1350. Why would one paid $2300 even BIN price is there. Well, the difference is the BIN one is used but already disassembled. New one won't coz that much right?!

It's ebay. It is not final until the bidder pays so it can be just nonsense.

Anyway, I found it shocking as well to see it went up to that much.
What you guys talking about?! None of you even focus on bigger picture? There's another seller put Buy It Now price for $1350. Why would one paid $2300 even BIN price is there. Well, the difference is the BIN one is used but already disassembled. New one won't coz that much right?!

It's ebay. It is not final until the bidder pays so it can be just nonsense.

Anyway, I found it shocking as well to see it went up to that much.
it's not as shocking compared to what the P2 Elder goes for. Anicom disappeared immediately and is VERY rare and collectards can't resist that. but i remember the Elder taking forever to sell out just like the Lost and it still goes for around $1k new. that's pretty insane for a figure that's based on a background character and wasn't limited or exclusive at all. if anything, it should be one of the cheaper preds, but something went all crazy somewhere.
Elder P2 is probably the best looking sculpt and design of all the preds, although the Lost is growing on me. It is crazy tho considering he was selling for like $145 for a while.
I got a completist mentality myself but for $2k on the ani-com? I can easily pass. Glad I got all the other ones displayed in my detolf. They will stay there until all hell breaks loose and I gotta let some of them go. But I don't see that anytime soon. Maybe never? :D
Yeah I really wish I could have gotten in on the first wave of preds more.$400 to $800 is just to much for me to spend on them though. I'm really extatic about the ones I do have and will have in the



yeah it was a lot of fun getting them when they first came out..