HT AvP:R 1/6 Wolf Predator Image Thread

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Alterego and Cornerstorecomics both get there shipments from Sideshow. We would see shipping notices from Sideshow before we see it from Alterego and Cornerstore.
In reality those 30 day notice mean very little nowadays....things just ship when they ship.
I'm crossing fingers it's in the 30 day list of tonight's newsletter.

I was doing the samething.I was going to go ahead and order Medicom darth Maul but this one is so close and the way things are looking on ebay I sure as hell dont wnat miss out on him for a figure that I know is going to be around for a while.
Ya, it's quite possible there will be a second, BD version of this figure, but nothing I can imagine will make it sell for me. I don't care about flaring madibles on Wolf, and the detonator kit doesn't matter all that much to me either, which are the 2 significant things a BD could have that I might care about. I got my NECA Wolf with the detonator kit and it doesn't do much for me. This one is THE Wolf figure for me.
Started....and let me be clear here...STARTED the repaint on my Wolf! And is he a toughie!!! Lots more details than I had imagined! Damn glad I have that ADI AVP-R book handy!

But, with any luck, I will have him done by the end of the weekend. Nice figure. Lots a parts. If only he had his cleaner kit. :monkey2

Anyway, soon friends!!! He DOTH ROCK!!! :rock
If only he had his cleaner kit. :monkey2
I guess it's been said already but I guess that'll be something in the BD version if there is one along with that awful plasma pistol and perhaps removeable laser-grid things. Cool video, Les BTW. Love that smell!
Alterego and Cornerstorecomics both get there shipments from Sideshow. We would see shipping notices from Sideshow before we see it from Alterego and Cornerstore.

Thanks! I didn't know how the distribution of figures worked. So, it could be a few months before Cornerstore gets their allotment..maybe May or June. Does SSC get there's directly from HT? Anyone have the breakdown?
Well if they do a BD with that option, I'll just fork over eBay money to get them, I'm not dropping $150 on another figure for guns.
Thats why I never bought this one. He will probably come with all the accessories plus more with a better head sculpt. For the same price...
Thats why I never bought this one. He will probably come with all the accessories plus more with a better head sculpt. For the same price...

Depending on what you're looking for in the figure, that's a smart way to go, unless they never do a BD.

For me, I only care about armored Wolf and clean, minus blood stains and all, so this figure more than satisfies me. I don't care about the few accessories that are missing, except perhaps the gun mode canons. I'm sure a BD would have a mandible flaring head, if I like it enough I'll get a parted one off eBay, but right now I don't see myself wanting it, that was a very brief moment in the film whereas it really adds a lot to the P2 and that film featured more screen time of maskless Predator.

Man I can't wait to get this figure.
Am I the only one who does NOT like battle damage on figures? I like my character representations clean and without the poor applications. Most of the time it's just a dab of paint here, a bit of paint there. Although I would have loved the extra accessories from the P2 BD release, the battle damage left a lot to be desired.

I wish HT would have include a detachable roaring mouth with all their Pred releases. Oh well.
Am I the only one who does NOT like battle damage on figures? I like my character representations clean and without the poor applications. Most of the time it's just a dab of paint here, a bit of paint there. Although I would have loved the extra accessories from the P2 BD release, the battle damage left a lot to be desired.

I wish HT would have include a detachable roaring mouth with all their Pred releases. Oh well.

You're not the only one. Mainly, I got the BD P2 because of availability. I hesitated too long on the first release of the figure, and luckily for me the BD came with the regular mask and I didn't miss out on what I cared about. That's why I'm content to have this Wolf figure, it's clean and everything I care about Wolf including is in this package.