Joker socks> Life
I have a giant poster in my room of a closeup of Joker's ____. Sometimes I get tingly looking at it.
Joker socks> Life
I stuff my pants with socks, I should try Joker socks.
I have a giant poster in my room of a closeup of Joker's socks. Sometimes I get tingly looking at it.
Are you guys serious??
I really think HT should include flood pants in all future alternate costume releases. What's the point of screen accurate socks if you can't even see them?
I just finished composing a letter to Christian Bale asking what kind of socks he wore with the Batman costume on the set of TDKR as well. I'm really hoping to get a quick response as I can't stand looking at my DX02 knowing that part just isn't right. Really could care less about oily abs... just get those socks correct. I'll keep you guys posted on his reply.