Posted to piss Difabio off.
It looks like the headsculpt is peeling in that pic.
Posted to piss Difabio off.
That's not as good as Bobby Causey's MMS DX 2.0 crustom Heath Ledger Joke.
2001:A Space Odyssey, my dear boy. Go watch it.
I'd rather drill holes in my skull.
It wouldn't surprise me if HT announces this tomorrow....since EB is going to announce their 1/4 scale Rambo you know HT is going to come back with something.
In terms of characters? Definitely a competition. Rambo is an icon, and I'm not sure how well Black Widow or the new Spider-Man could hold up. Joker is an iconic character who could stand a chance of not being overshadowed by EB's Rambo announcement.
I hope that table and chairs are as good of quality as Xces Studios
1st thanks for reminding me about thoes guys. I had been racking my head trying to remember their name. & 2nd, what ever happend to them? I was one of the few who had pre ordered their dio on BBTS only to wait for all eternity.
Then, the damn thing got split up! Chair for one crazy amount, table for an even crazer amount. & the enviorment was no longer a part of the deal at all! So I had givin up on them all together. I remember the original price on BBTS for the full dio was $225.00
But you say you have this set by them & its good quality?
No problem . The guy who made the table and chairs is a member here
I believe that they are still doing the interrogation room diorama.
I don't remember the item being split up . i bought mine directly from him @ $90.00 and they are still on ebay for that price
My interrogation room dio arrives tomorrow
I missed out on Both jokers, Bank robber and DX version, can still get bank robber for good price, im just not to keen on as soon as this is available for PO, i will be jumping straight on this.