Looks soooooo much better man. Great work!
Thanks man!! I am actually re-working the jacket some more. I'll post updated pics soon.
Looking great man! Amazing work.
Damn, that is gorgeous. Terrific work.
Have to ask - what's the story on the phenomenal map room dio/display?
You definitely gave that Crystal Skull jacket some life! Nice work!
Indeed! Incredible work man!
I finally completed my Indy. Got a spare head ordered so will customise it and add blood n sweat to it.
Pics to follow!
What's the process with weathering powder by the way?
Thanks!! That dio comes with the Hot Toys Indy figure. It is a cardboard surrounding. There is more parts that come with the figure for that display as well including the stone pedestal and the golden head that sits on top just like it looked in the film. One side of the dio has the map room environment and the other side for the golden head environment.
Ah, thanks. Very cool. Again, excellent work!