I've been hoping they would release a pred skull, or head covered in blood as an accessory.. Luckily i kept my McFarlane 12 inch Predator head. Atleast i think it was McFarlane.. Anyway, i clipped off the lower right mandible, drilled a hole into the left eye, and drilled a hole from the bottom, to the top of the head. Then i got my Borg(Lost Pred) Spear, took off one of the blades at the end, and stuck part of it in the hole on top of the head. Then i got out my hot glue gun and put glue everywhere where i'd expect there to be blood. Got some of this green paint that i'm using to paint my room with, and painted all the glue'd spots. I'm so happy that this paint looks almost exactly like Predator blood.. I put some on my BD P2's sliced off arm, and it looked amazing.. I'm considering whether or not i should put it on the rest of his BD'd body.. Anyway, here are some pics of the head. This camera is really _____ty so the pics are a bit blurry.
I really hope they put Falconer's Falcon with him..not as an exclusive though.