Super Freak
I think P1's bios is pretty damn dull. Hey, thats just me, Falconer and Chopper both have cool bios.
Whatever you say mate.
I think, all of AVP1 preds have a creepy helmets, but RR preds have a nice helmets design. I mean Falconer and Tracker. Just for meonce i thought Chopper's helmet was the most dull and stupid...
I love berserker's bio design but I just find hottoys version just ain't good enough. Falconer's bio is perfect in my opinon.
Ya know, looking at those latest pics, I think this one is better than the Berzerker!! That prototype looks so life like.
As for the bios, I like em all for different reasons.
sumsum needs to upgrade his account or use a different host site.
Here's one:
Put it on Imageshack. It's working on the first page now but just in case.
Yeah, despite the Falconer maybe being my favorite overall that's part of what I also really like about the Tracker. I dig his leather cumberbun thing.