Re: HT - M ICON- MIS06 Michael Jackson- full spec + hi-res pics
This figure is awesome, MJ is awesome. I wouldn't rule out ever wanting to own one.
This figure is awesome, MJ is awesome. I wouldn't rule out ever wanting to own one.
Shut up Sausage lover!!
About time somebody posted pictures!!!
Thanks for sharing Wookster!!
Looks great!!
Are you going to make a review of it?
I wanted to make one, but I haven't yet...
Its probably been asked already, but does anyone have a picture comparison of the MJ body next to a standard truetype please?
I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned more in this thread, but is anyone else impressed by the packaging? I just bought Jackson and was shocked to see him in a custom foam case. Pretty cool stuff. I wish more figures were packaged this way.
I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned more in this thread, but is anyone else impressed by the packaging? I just bought Jackson and was shocked to see him in a custom foam case. Pretty cool stuff. I wish more figures were packaged this way.
I think i'll skip this, im a huge fan, but i dont really like the head sculpt's expression of MJ. Hope they release more MJs soon!
Cheers guys, I do go over the box in my review, it's great packaging but follows the same style as all the M-icons so far... very classy boxes!