HT original Predator- photo thread

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COLLECTIVE MESSAGE (I must respond in mass if you want that my work progresses, friends! :D):

As I already wrote in a PM recently, it is not necessary at this time. I'll let you know in due course. For the moment, I have to finish the prototype.
Then, I'll give you my Paypal address (which is the same than my Email).
So you'll be able to order directly by this way, leaving me your postal address. :wink1:

Thank you very much everyone :duff

I want 1 as well. Please let me know when its ready mate!
Non di problema, il mio amico!
"Hey, Marchello! Un pizza Peperoni per il tavolo quattro, per favore!
- Che cosa? Ancora una, Capo?
Ehi, che cosa vuoi che ti dica? Sono tutti ad amare ciò!" :D

:lectureWell, otherwise and more seriously: this weekend, pictures of my latest patches.
Wow that's an awesome price for a new one. Well the mask isn't supposed to match the armor 100%. The mask is smoother and the armor is a bit more rough. It's the same for P2.

hey EndIessRAIN, yeah i picked this one up brand new for $300 and i thought you had sold yours to someone else because my auctions where delayed?
im looking forward to baloo's mask because of the light up feature.
just hoping the paint job matches the armor.
I think a movie accurate paint job would be much nicer than the paint job that Hot Toys has implemented. For example, the Hot Toys "mask damage" is sculpted in, as well as an overall scuffed look to the sculpt, whereas it should have been a features left to the paint job. This actually goes for the Hot Toys armour damage too, but because the Helmet is such a key feature, I believe a smooth, movie-accurate mask would be KING! Sorry ~ WILL be king!! ;)
Lol just humor me and say you didn't have one presently so based on the current market value, how much would you be willing to pay for one?

:lol Alright. Kind of tough. Because if I have it already, the need and drive isn't really there. It's hard to pretend to want something bad when you don't really. But say if I had all the Preds and P1 was all I needed to complete the collection and checking by how the market is right now, I would say $300-$350 for a regular and $350 to $420 for an EX. I would get the EX only if I had no idea that TD and Baloo are making even better bios that make the EX clean bio look like crap.
:lol Alright. Kind of tough. Because if I have it already, the need and drive isn't really there. It's hard to pretend to want something bad when you don't really. But say if I had all the Preds and P1 was all I needed to complete the collection and checking by how the market is right now, I would say $300-$350 for a regular and $350 to $420 for an EX. I would get the EX only if I had no idea that TD and Baloo are making even better bios that make the EX clean bio look like crap.

Good answer :D you've just helped me make my decision on getting a 2nd one. Shipping over to the UK would make it in the $400s though. Thanks anyway bud!
Kudos to u Tayler for recreating such an awesome bio, looks so much better than the original. The one Hot Toys has made was way too bulky and doesn't look right.
This guy is still selling cast copies of talylerdurdem's mask, even after he said he wouldn't. Some people have no word/honor.

He even tried selling his failed recasts:

Thanks for your comments

You're a good friend Eduardo.
this guy is still selling my copies. and it is true that he said he would not.

hey ashkanls I hope that one day. someone will copy all your shirts