HT The Dark Knight figures waiting room

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Man, what a surprise. I've preordered it from animate_internationals and last week I was really near to cancell it, because they cancelled one of their accounts at ebay and had ignored my mails. but yesterday i've got the info, that they've got the new batmans and are going to send them next week to me... wohooo.

Go wilfred, go wilfred. :D
I think I'll e-mail Leo at Goodshipped for a shipping estimate. let the wait begin!! :google

Yeah, good luck with Leo at goodshipped. I'm thinking he doesn't get stuff as soon as other folks as I am still waiting on my Joker (got my original Batman about 3 weeks ago). So no telling when he'll ship the new suit TDK Batman. So yeah ... still waiting! :monkey2

Thankfully I have placed all future order for HT TDK figures from Joe. :banana
Unfortunately he told me he's not expecting to ship out until late Oct - mid Nov! :monkey4

Figures. He did seem to to be the last of the HK lot to get his stock in. Still he's a nice guy and good to deal with. When he sent the Joker it only took 3 days to get to me, on standard delivery no less.
studiosunny cant ship my dark knight batman out till mid to late oct/early november :( he hasnt got many in from hot toys, and since i only preordered last month i dont have first priority, more like 3rd :eek: he didnt have that many preorders for them over the previous months, so he musnt have ordered many in. so yeah, if you've preordered from him recently, expect a wait unfortunately
Blah, I pre-ordered my Bats and Joker from Urban Collector and won't get either until DCD imports them in December. I'm sure they'll be worth the wait though!
Finally got my V1 Joker in the mail today - I think I'd be so much more excited about him if I hadn't seen the new headsculpt, but it's still a great figure. So now I'm just waiting on the Bank Robber so I can swap out his head and re-accessorize him, and Two-Face.
Gotta try and avoid these Batman threads, it just makes me want mine now!

I have TDK Batman on order with Joe and The BR Joker on order with AcionHQ.

I only have 2 other 1/6th figures (Freddy from the new Nigthmare and Jason form FVJ) which I love but both these figures look like they will blow my other out of the water. They will also be my first Hot Toys ones.
I just got my original suit Batman from Toys2, and it is freaking amazing. I love it. It makes the wait for the rest of the TDK figures, and the Iron Man figures, seem so much longer.
I've got my Joker Ver. 1 shipping from Joe today, so this week will be a fun wait. I've been trying to contact Toys2 to pay for the TDK bats, but still haven't heard back from them yet. Hot Toys is bringing out so much cool toy goodness it is ridiculous!
Leo from Goodshipped e-mailed me to say that he'll have the new suit bats in mid month! And he's given me a sweet price on the bank robber Joker too. :chew
The store that I ordered my TDK Batman and MK1 Joker has both of them in stock, hope mine is due to ship, might have to nudge then with an email tomorrow :eek:

The new pictures of TDK Bats have got me desperate!
Oh man, I just caved as well! Bought the HT Original costume Batman. But now I nééd the HT new costume Batman too :duh
Maybe I can trade some stuff for one; I've got a SS Kurgan and a HT Batman bust that I don't really need. We'll see...