Statue Hulk Comiquette (Grey Variant)

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Slightly different shades of the same colour?

Apparently there is a 2.0 green hulk coming after the grey hulk. Don't know if its true though but I did see pics of it. The green hulk has the same Rulk hair style & the shade of green is completely different.
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Slightly different shades of the same colour?

Well a lot of people hated the head in the original green and yet it still draws big money. Obviously, the red is popular... So is it surprising that hey go back to he well. Especially since all it is is a recast and a paint job.
Apparently there is a 2.0 green hulk coming after the grey hulk. Don't know if its true though but I did see pics of it. The green hulk has the same Rulk hair style & the shade of green is completely different.

Where did you see the pics? Can you post the link?
yehh maybe coz so many people wants Green Comiquette in their collection if ever sideshow release green Hulk comiquette fixing color & hair issues lots of collectors will be pissed off who all-ready kept 1st Hulk Comi....... & nobody here wants same stuff to be release again except newbies who missed old stuff like i dont mind if they release Spiderman Comiquette again
well for Doom PF if they revisit the character with some miner changes most of the collectors will be happy.. but collectors who got it for ridiculous prizes :panic:
well for Doom PF if they revisit the character with some miner changes most of the collectors will be happy.. but collectors who got it for ridiculous prizes :panic:

You can always buy this 1:4 Doom. It will be grail :D

people go nuts when sideshow has these auctions :lecture

I was watching the auction and in the last 2min the price went from about $3500-$6100. Hell one guy kept biding against himself to the tune of about $1000. That is totally crazy to me. That is more than 15 Batman statues.