Super Freak
I do not think a human could fit into that machine---tony looks funny
well then could he really fit into any of his other IM suits.
that's the questions that will never be answered in the comic universe.

I do not think a human could fit into that machine---tony looks funny
I got on the waitlist for the ex. after 12 minutes of its release. It was the fastest I could run after class, straight to the bus, and straight back to my apt. What are my chances of getting one?!?!
I could have probably shaved off another minute, but when the screen loaded and I saw "sold out", I panicked and forgot my password...
I would say realistically that unless you are not within the first 5mins that your chances are slim. Unless of course there are lots of cancellations which are possible because of the price.
Your Waitlist will be recalled.
You got your sister to get you one? it sold out in less than couple minutes. What a great sister, awesome of her to hook you up. I dread the thought of explaining the act of logging into the SS website, waiting for the order to go live, placing the order, all within 2 minutes to my sister. She still doesn't know what/where the "start" button is on the desktop.
guys i checked pablo's site and says that the hulkbuster is 1/5 scale ..
what's going on???
ah that's ok man, i'm sure there's a few other alberta collectors that got in on the action
as for the scale 1/4 or 1/6 doesn't matter it matches up with hulky and it looks awesome.
can't wait for it to arrive, with no paint issues that is.
I love Bowen, but when comparing those pics together, his statues look like cheap toys as opposed to the Sideshow version....
That Bowen Green Hulk has the ugliest paint colors of all time.I know as I had this piece 3 times over in the past.And end up selling it everytime.
Sideshow win.
Both of you are wrong. Both Statues are very well painted.
Both look awesome but I prefer the bowen's design. Also I like the base more.
Both of you are wrong. Both Statues are very well painted.
yeah!!but sideshow's is better,in my little opinion..pitu,you have seen the hulkbuster in person right??the paint is the same with the old iron man comiquette???
little opinion ? .... everyone's opinion counts the same.
doesn't matter if you have 200 posts or 200,000 posts.
Bowen, cheap toys?Comparing the pics together, One (Sideshow) was taken by a professional photographer (with optimal lighting) and the other (Bowen) was taken by a fan who is an aspiring photographer, with his families decor in the background. Your statment of CHEAP TOYS, makes no sense to me.
Going back to your criticism of Bowen's color choice for Hulk ... it's similar to your prized PF, at tad lighter. I understand if you criticized the Dynamic Forces 1:1 Hulk bust because of color...but there nothing wrong with Bowen's You are just looking to take the Smackdown Hulk down a peg or two...normal behavior for the Sideshow Fanatic who feels threatened by other companies Definitive Pieces.
I understand you are a huge Hulk fan, but let's get serious, any fan of either character will tell you the SS 1:2 IM poops on SS 1/6 Hulkbuster.
Here's a another comparison Bowen (Cheap Toys according to Shai) vs Sideshow Hulkbuster.
Look at the difference in paint application specifically the Sideshow's Toy-Like Gold.One does look like a cheap toy, unfortunately for you ... it's not Bowen's.
Bez I think it's unfortunate that you state that the SS HB looks like a cheap toy. It totally negates your whole argument for Bowens (which is excellent BTW). One could argue that while Shai migt be a SS fanboy (if you read more of his posts you couldn't be further from the truth) and you are a Bowen fanboy. Maybe your not but to insult Pablos work looking like a cheap toy is unbecoming.
i hate them too!also,i hate people who had been in thw waitlist and then try to find mistakes in the statue..that's not honest!!if you like the statue buy it,if you don't it's ok!the Bowen HB is indeed awesome..Do you even own the smackdown Hulk??? Cause like I said, I own it 3 times and end up selling it every time...Green paint is yellowish and the pants are pink...Bowen has even changed the green on his new Hulk so it wont look bad like the smackdown one...The FB Smackdown is awesome though.
Obviously you're the Noob here who dont know about some of my usual sarcasm.Yes i'm kinda on an ass on these boards but one thing I am not is a Sideshow Fanatic hating other companies (except for neca and mezco those are crap).
I am the one here who brought the ''caca'' and ''Fiasco'' expressions here by constantly critisizing some of the Sideshow stuff...I definitely ^^^^^ them a lot.
And just for the record,I'm buying all 5 new Bowen Hulks.
BUT....What I hate the most on these boards is the people who try to find all kinds of faults to some Sideshow statues because they want to justified in their own heads that they wont be able to afford some of these statues.