Re: automatic weapon fire a block from my house this morning
I'll give you guys a good a bad cop story of mine...
"The Bad"
Around '08, I was traveling back home from a one day trip to Central Cali. Coming down the Grapevine and wasn't paying attention to the speedometer because I was talking to my wife. Get pulled over for going 85 in a 70 zone. CHP gets out his cruiser with attitude from who knows where. I realize I don't have my license on me, but bare in mind my wife has her's, and I was the one who rented the rental car. I tell the cop I forgot my wallet at home. No biggie right? Before he runs me. He asked me if my license was "Revoked or Suspended". I said..."I don't think so" He asked again and I reply with the same answer. From there he says get back in your car. Comes back and said that my "L's" was revoked because of an unpaid ticket, and because I was being evasive he wasn't going to let my wife drive the car and called a tow truck. We're in the middle of the Grapevine about 130-140 miles away from home. Of course the tow guys takes us to the nearest truck stop and drops us off. Called my Mother-In-Law who's a manager of a DWV office to verify. She says yeah, but it shows on the screen that I never got the revoke letter in the mail. So I really didn't know about it, and that the cop looks at the same screen that they look at in the office. Paid the ticket from '95, which was like $1200, the days extra for the rental car, 30 days mandatory impound fees. Coming out to another $1100-$1200 dollars the next day. "Straight cash homie" I guess he may have thought that I was a poor black man, but far from that Mr. Coper...
"The Good"
'02...Using my buddies car to go get another one of my buddies who was having a stereo system put in is car at Best Buy. We're on the road opening new stores at the company I was working for. Well I pick him up from Best Buy going back to the hotel where we were staying. I guess his signal light turning left didn't automatically click back up after turning. The cop said that he followed me for about a mile before making the stop. Again my dumb *** doesn't have my "L's" on me. He runs the car. Man! No insurance, No registration, Stolen tags, Roach joints in the ashtray, and I don't have my "L's" on me! I'm like man we're f'ed! Oh yeah and I'm on probation at the time. Couple that with we're not even in our home town. I'm like yeah we're in for it now...

He comes back pulls me out the car, pulls out his knife, hands it to me and says...Scratch those tags off the plate, get this car off the road and park it until you get it cleared to drive again. Gave me a ticket for the faulty signal light and let me go from there. Man I wanted to hug that cop that day. Still to this day one of the coolest cops I've ever encountered.
I've have story from in between but these are the two that really stick out in my mind when I think of "good cop & horrible cop".