And you said in another thread that your main focus was the PF line....
Thor Ex : Altough a Thor without beard is kinda gay,the ex with beard is a F'N Norse Viking god mofo !!! see my signature.At 30'' tall, I see this as the showstopper of any statue collection...+ Dont let anyone on the wailist have the chance to get this masterpiece..they should be jealous of you instead....Ho-mos on this forum will drool when you'll show pictures of it.Obviously the next grail (everyone knows it)....In other words, If you cancel this one, I think you will suck (Not that you dont suck right now, but you will suck even more if thats imaginable....... )
Red Skull ex:Has more chance to be available on 2nd chance longer than Thor,And I see a lot of cancellation too on Sideshow's site when he start shipping, BUT,still, if you like your Cap Pf Ex, it will never be totally the shat while displayed if you dont have the skull to face him.Another keeper.
IM Bust: Yawn....busts are overexpensive half statues, people will ask you where are his legs....

....they'll be plenty on ebay at retail too the first year since its an open edition.Dont be fooled by nice hot rod red color....Its like the Iron Man maquette,never on this forum do I have praise it...people loved the gold and red without even noticing that his football pose sux.The Iron Man fad is over now......pass.