It's funny you mentioned the coffee drinking hipsters because I was going to say Apple users are the same type you see at Starbucks.
They hold their Starbucks cup high so everyone can SEE that they paid $9 for their whipped foam
Really? all youre doing is proving the previous observation of your comment true.
I use my Mac to:....
Make an illustration of my daughter for my wife's bday.
I also use it to do layouts and concepts to redesign my basement and help turn it into a my cave before I even buy the first piece of material.
again I built and designed my Vamypre PF display before even the first piece of wood was cut to make sure I liked the design.
I design a concept Pop-up store for Comfortaire which is currently, as I type this, up and running at the World Furniture Market in High POint, NC
I take a moment at Christmas to photoshop a pic of Santa at our house during Xmas to have fun with my daughter who is just starting to enjoy Xmas to the max.
Back to work. This time a design for House of Marley to introduce their new audio products at the CES show this year. They loved it but went with a rental cause they couldnt afford it.
then Im bored with my poster at work so I whip something new up in an couple hours one morning..
On with work on my Mac again. THis one is a design for a Kirstie Kelly wedding dress station set up in CostCo's.
Here is a link to see it live on ABC News is you want
back to home again... here is my current project i just started. A digital painting of my daughter just 1 day old.
then designed my work's current display which was set up in Vegas at Exhibitor just last week. Just got back from Vegas few days ago myself.
I also did the video which ran on the 84" screen in the booth on a Mac.
Also check out my sig .. guess what? done on a Mac.
Every Mac purchase Ive made Ive always shelled out the extra $$$ for Apple Care just in case. 17yrs and about 5 Macs later and never even once had to call or use it.
... and after all that Im posting this post from a Mac.
I really enjoy walking in at home and showing videos and pics directly from my iPhone wirelessly on my TV thru an Apple TV. I also love having my friends with iPhones instantly throw their pics, videos or music straight up on the screen if they want too. Really enjoy how it wirelessly plays any movies, videos or music from any phone or Mac anywhere in my house. Thats a cool toy too.
and just FYI. All of this can be done on a PC as well.
My point is .. your "Toy" comment was pretty We Taught It .. ....