I have come to love my computer again

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Apple users and StarBucks coffee drinkers = hipsters/show-offs.:lol That's just pathetic. You guys should try to come up with something better.

I have both Apple and non-apple products and generally speaking, Apple products are much easier to use and more reliable.
Apple products are much easier to use and more reliable.

Seriously. Classifying the only UNIX operating system to ever penetrate the consumer market in any sizable number as a "toy" shows a fundamental lack of basic computer knowledge and/or willful ignorance as to not be associated with a popular product.

The thing that boggles my mind is that the ones who are being willfully ignorant and just brushing aside Apple products because they are the "in" thing right now have the gall to call Apple users "hipsters". A hipster is a pompous ass "who rejects the established culture".

If Apple is "the established culture", then wouldn't their blind rejection of it and pompous attitude about it make them, themselves hipsters? :cuckoo:
honestly, how many Mac users would still use a mac even if they never went through the trendy image change during the 2000s. Were anyone of you a diehard Mac user in the 80s and 90s when they looked more dorky than a PC? Why all of a sudden start using them in the 2000s when they look all prettied up. Real computer users hate macs because Apple had to resort to this sort of tactics to gain customers, we lost respect for them. The only exception I think is if you work in an industry that uses Mac as a standard. (like the music or 2D graphics industry) And personally a computer to me is something that you can build and customize yourself, Mac is more like a pre-built electronic device much like a DVD player that only shares the same functions as a real computer.
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If your an artist you will want a Mac over a PC and it has nothing to do with the 2000's. I had a Mac in the 90's. I don't drink coffee either......just smashing stereotypes left and right.

I use a PC at work so I'm not a PC hater but I find Macs are much more user friendly and running my music programs on it is just some much easier. Learning Photoshop on it was easier too.

Such a stupid debate, both systems serve their purpose but if you don't like something just because others do then you have inmatuirty issues and need to grow up.
Why all of a sudden start using them in the 2000s when they look all prettied up.

OSX. I was a Linux nerd in the late 90's. The thought of an affordable, polished, easy to use, UNIX workstation was unthinkable before OSX. That's what turned me.

And yeah, the design of the hardware is the best in the industry. I don't see how that is a knock against them. I can get in and out of a Mac Pro quickly and easily. If I try opening up a Dell, I need to first hunt down a manual on how to open it, and I usually end up slicing my hand on it.
I use a PC because they're cheaper and I don't do graphics, so I just use what I need. I have nothing against Macs and if they were cheaper, I'd get an Apple laptop. They both have their advantages and disavantages, no sense in fighting about it, ya damn hippies!
I use a PC because they're cheaper and I don't do graphics, so I just use what I need. I have nothing against Macs and if they were cheaper, I'd get an Apple laptop. They both have their advantages and disavantages, no sense in fighting about it, ya damn hippies!

that's my thoughts on it. I've only had to replace the monitor on my PC in almost 10 years

I don't ever see myself dropping $1K+ on a computer
I have both Apple and non-apple products and generally speaking, Apple products are much easier to use and more reliable.

Up until October of last year the only type of computer I had ever owned was a PC. While I liked my PC over the years I lost count at the sheer number of problems I had. Thats anything from viruses, computer crashes, to having a pain in the ass problem with things not wanting to install (before anyone would think I don't know what I'm doing my College Degree is in Business/Computers in Education so I've got experience with computers). I've had no problems so far with my Mac. Everything I moved over from my PC to it was as easy as anything I've ever dealt with when it comes to computers. Same goes for my Ipod and every version of the Iphone I have had. Having had my mac for just a few months I talked my own mother into getting one and will never own another PC again.

Mac's are far more user friendly and straightforward. That goes for any apple product.

Oh as far as the whole star bucks thing. I've been but never gotten coffee. Hot Chocolate maybe. :lol
that's my thoughts on it. I've only had to replace the monitor on my PC in almost 10 years

I don't ever see myself dropping $1K+ on a computer

I got my first HP in 1999 and had it till I replaced it with the one I have now in 2008. I replaced the monitor on the first one in 2006. The only reason why I replaced the first HP was because I couldn't upgrade it anymore and I couldn't use broadband on it. Going from Windows 98 to Vista was a real eye opener! :lol
I got my first HP in 1999 and had it till I replaced it with the one I have now in 2008. I replaced the monitor on the first one in 2006. The only reason why I replaced the first HP was because I couldn't upgrade it anymore and I couldn't use broadband on it. Going from Windows 98 to Vista was a real eye opener! :lol

I'm still running on M.E. :rotfl