Re: I just got Engaged!!!!!!!!!!

It is the beginning of the end of your life

It is the beginning of the end of your life

Nothing says love more than diarrhea.
I got diarrhea when i ask my wife and she thought that was cute so that's when i said she's a keeperseven yrs and still going
dude, that is hilarious and awesome!!!
here's a pic from just now!
where's the bling ? about romantic. I think u got enough candles back there to light up a whole street.
dude, that is hilarious and awesome!!!
here's a pic from just now!
Poor bastard!
The best marital advice I can give you is to not take things too seriously. That, and when she does something dumb, write it down so you can remember what it was and when it happened. The reason you do this is because females never forget anything you do, and guys always forget the specifics.
Be prepared.
Also, when she asks if she looks fat in anything, go answer the phone if its ringing or not. There is no correct answer.
Good luck my friend, you're a nice guy that certainly deserves all the happiness marriage can bring.