Its his shat! he can do what ever he wants with it! And contest entries are for everybody! He won! dont be bitter!
Actually I did want these figures when I entered the contest. These are some of the coolest SW figures that SSC has produced yet and are even cooler in person.
I really don't want to sell them and I'm REALLY pondering keeping Nik Sant because he's a cool character but I haven't decided yet. The need for money in the Christmas season and the lack of space is really forcing my hand here.
Then I retract my former statement my friend. Sorry for jumping the gun.
PITU - I'm not bitter. I have the figures but could always have done with more of the costumes and just generally thought it bad form.
PITU - I'm not bitter. I have the figures but could always have done with more of the costumes and just generally thought it bad form.
OK, so why did you say this.
It sounds like you're a little angry that he won and you didn't.
Yeah, I can understand how that would be off-putting.Nope, my beef was the fact that his initial post was just like 'woah, look what I got for free who wants to buy them'?
Welcome to the boards man.