Ian1138's Custom Works

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After a 6 weeks of nothing decided to have a go at a prequel jedi who i think looks really usual, Pablo Jill.


Was a little bit frustrating at first, found less referance then the previous scuplts ive done. Gave him a long neck because he has the 70's disco cheat going on, going to cut off th neck joint on the body i use and insert the next so you can see the chest area. Which also means no neck articulation, i have this idea for a ball-jointed neck but probalie won't do what im thinking.
Like it alot! Got to do the dangly bits off his chin still though?
Will you make casts of this guy? I'm a huge sucker for PT Jedi!
Like it alot! Got to do the dangly bits off his chin still though?
Will you make casts of this guy? I'm a huge sucker for PT Jedi!

Going to make the 4 tentacles from green-stuff asits a sets on its own and rock solid, scupley does'nt reallt work that weelwith those detail for me.

Ive asked hurricane about casting and he said that he would which is cool so hopefully i can make a few available. Because this guy got weird hands, im going to scuplt the lightsaber and hand as one.
Heres one of my WIP Duros ive been putting together. There are 2 of them in the cantina and this one goes by the EU name Baniss Keeg, who wears mositure farmer style cloths. All the parts ive used from the parts bin, result!
I made the gunslinger belt using leather from a old wallet, which was really cool.


Still trting to get me a white flightsuit, tried bleaching one over the weekend and that was a big fail.

How did I miss these?!?
PLEASE tell me that there are casts of this sculpt available!!!
No there werent

He's gotten out of the 1/6th line now

He doesnt post, ring me, talk to me anymore

He broke my heart :monkey2

You just saddened up my old day. :monkey2
I have been looking for exactly those sculpts for a custom project for years now. Never even realized what they were from. Probably stuck in my head from seeing SW so many times. Now to find them and "lose" them all within a matter of minutes. <sigh>
my standard issues sure don't look that nice. I didn't know it was possible for them to look that good. Great job!
I may get back into the 1/6 but no time soon. My job got really really busy since christmas and having to fit in learning Japaenese means free time is at a premium.

I kind lost any motivation to get any custom finished and ive got alot to finish.

Last time i did anyting was to try and scuplt hands for Pablo Jill but that was a farce, was going to take me an entire weekend just to scuplt one and lacking free-time i kinda gave it up.

Would've liked to offer up some casts, there seemed to be quite alot of interest which surpised me.

Heres some bit and pieces which i got finished to a point and some WIP i did before i droped out:


Replaced Boba onto a neo3 and touched up some of the paint work.


Bossk will be leaving my hands.


Big cantina band project i had going, got 3 like this, jacket still needed to be dyed black and new hands scuplted.


T2 Arnie, reckon he was about done but no longer wanted him in the collection, just going to keep the HT endo. Darrens re-scuplt was the most enjoyable scuplt ive ever painted.


Completed all the endor commando's, only had to do a load of weathering to get these finished.


This will be the first one i start when i get back into customizing. Jedi Luke is still my favorite sideshow figure and really wanted to update him. New body, leather boots, shrunken scuplt from Glenn, lightsaber weathered and the metal ring moved so that the turn-on button face's outward.

Will get back into it but no time soon, gonna scale down the collection aswell. Fell like i got too many figure and the display started to lack quality.

This will be the first one i start when i get back into customizing. Jedi Luke is still my favorite sideshow figure and really wanted to update him. New body, leather boots, shrunken scuplt from Glenn, lightsaber weathered and the metal ring moved so that the turn-on button face's outward.

Cant wait to see this figure man.. keep up the great work.