The paint doesn't have that flesh look that I've seen and would prefer on other figures.
It's still bought but it's bugging me.
It's still bought but it's bugging me.
the thing is too that the paint on the prototype means nothing. In fact the whole thing means nothing everything from a quality perspective is about the production piece and we will not know that until it’s produced.
unless you’re just willing to take whatever you get don’t preorder anything from a new company just wait until the thing is actually our and get it from a retailer who stocked it preordering gives you zero advantages and only comes with potential disadvantages.
I don’t know to what degree eleven is involved with this . Or kai. Kai had been around 10 years ago disappeared and re emerged and done some good work with eleven. I assumed he sculpted this but from the credits maybe not. He has never evolved his paint like he did his sculpting looks to have painted theI prototype with a goopy base layer.
elevens production is good through not white hot toys but better than almost every other mainstream 1/6 company by a mile so this at least has a chance.
Like I said earlier all this is a moot point you can have the best head in the world and it will look like trash with that absurd neck situation they have going on. They, or if some of the people involved are here reading this, you guys need to fix that immediately. As pointed out above standards in this hobby have risen and that just doesn’t cut it.
Kai paint jobs always look toyish to me. Like they belong on a 7 inch figure or a Neca 18 inch, not a 12 inch. Not terrible by any means but they're just missing that something that makes it pop and come off realistic like other painters.I don’t know to what degree eleven is involved with this . Or kai. Kai had been around 10 years ago disappeared and re emerged and done some good work with eleven. I assumed he sculpted this but from the credits maybe not. He has never evolved his paint like he did his sculpting looks to have painted theI prototype with a goopy base layer.
Yeah, the more I look at pics, the more I hate the paint. I showed a few people and everyone's first reaction was ''what's wrong with his skin'' lol. That does not bode well. The sculpt is top notch but the paint..... bad. I don't recall ever seeing a reaction like that when showing friends a 1/6 I was getting. It's especially jarring considering the character is concerned about wrinkles and blemishes in the film and takes great care to have flawless skin.Yh I dont know about this kai guy but thats a botch job hes done on this figure