If you think IronMan 1:2 is thin look at this...

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I like beaver.


There's too many long posts in this thread for me to read. Is this what we're talking about?

I appreciate guru's well thought out and articulated responses to the SIdeshow apologists. Sideshow doesn't deserve an easy pass when it comes to poor quality decisions, whether it be pop culture shock, thin iron man $2000 eggshell, flaking paint, googly eyes or whatever else comes up in near future.

The disatisfaction should be voiced, and not squelched as some would prefer for some unknown reason to me, so SS knows we won't put down the equivalent of a down payment of a car for a cheaply made statue that won't last for a long time.

And before some people start defending saying they are fixing the mistake, a mistake like this should never make it to a deliverable product. Source inspect these things if you need to. Perform some accelerated life tests and environmental tests on these. Give me free statues and I'll show you how. ;)
No one's trying to squelch attention being brought to problems. That is entirely welcome. If I was buying something that other people had an issue with, I would want to know.

What is not welcome is people casting aspersions with absolutely nothing but their own supposition to stand on. Suppositions are shaky and if people aren't careful, their suppositions may end up supposited.

Sideshow are the retailer of the piece, hence why they are taking some of the flak. For the record my Zangief has no problems at all.

Good to hear you have a Zangief. You see going an bashing the IM 1:2 may have been fun but to hear that Sideshow's other statues are in the same situation doesnt make you fell all fuzzy and nice, does it?

The price may be different but looks like from now on Sideshow is cutting corners to save money.

So be happy with what you have an hope for the best.
I have an idea!
Why dont we go and brake a few new sideshow statues to find out whats thin?

Come on guys, this is just the new era of statue making by sideshow. Dont like it dont buy it!! Its a real shame but what can we do? This is just the way it is for now. Im a collector and dont mind my thin 1:2 IM since I will not sell it. If you are investing, its time to move on, go buy gold or stamps and not Sideshow.
I'm not much of one for educating people on the words they have said. If you don't know what you said, you have bigger problems than anything I can fix.

However, how many times have you said something like this:

...looks like from now on Sideshow is cutting corners to save money.

And for the record, what fool would buy Sideshow as an investment? Apparently one who considers stamps to be in the same class as gold. :rolleyes:

If you are investing, its time to move on, go buy gold or stamps and not Sideshow.
My question is, why are people who dont even own this piece ragging on those people who are dissatisfied with their purchases? They dropped 2k on something that they consider to be and inferior product considering what they paid, and you guys are sitting pretty behind your keyboards and on your virtual soap boxes trying to seem significant in all of this. just stfu if it bothers you to read people being unhappy, sideshow doesnt need a nerd army to back them up.
How many of the people griping in these threads actually own the piece, and how many are jumping on the bandwagon because they get off on talking sh-t about Sideshow?

But, whatever. The only reason I have anything to say is that the attitude behind most of these complaints is the same attitude that has been ripping down and persecuting businesses for the past century. It's a mentality that sees a business as a servant of its consumer, and not an equal trading partner. The company makes a mistake, and those who declare themselves its customers feel free to spit and piss all over them until the company has proven itself subservient. Why do you think we're about to have laws passed making the healthcare industry a literal slave to those who demand their service? Why do you think the airlines have to jump through 10,000 hoops to make any kind of move that the government could potentially disapprove of?

The customer is always right mentality is gutting businesses in this country, nevermind the rest of the world. Hearing that sh-t get slung at a little company like Sideshow, I don't think it's beneath me to tell the torches and pitchforks they can f-ck off, especially when they have fewer than 5 pieces as examples of the alleged injustice that Sideshow perpetrated. Well before any evidence of a trend was demonstrated (a trend that still has yet to be shown as existing at all) accusations that Sideshow is ripping people off---intentionally---were flying.

How long before the Better Business Bureau and the California State's Attorney General is hearing these complaints? Use your head nash.
How many of the people griping in these threads actually own the piece, and how many are jumping on the bandwagon because they get off on talking sh-t about Sideshow?

But, whatever. The only reason I have anything to say is that the attitude behind most of these complaints is the same attitude that has been ripping down and persecuting businesses for the past century. It's a mentality that sees a business as a servant of its consumer, and not an equal trading partner. The company makes a mistake, and those who declare themselves its customers feel free to spit and piss all over them until the company has proven itself subservient. Why do you think we're about to have laws passed making the healthcare industry a literal slave to those who demand their service? Why do you think the airlines have to jump through 10,000 hoops to make any kind of move that the government could potentially disapprove of?

The customer is always right mentality is gutting businesses in this country, nevermind the rest of the world. Hearing that sh-t get slung at a little company like Sideshow, I don't think it's beneath me to tell the torches and pitchforks they can f-ck off, especially when they have fewer than 5 pieces as examples of the alleged injustice that Sideshow perpetrated. Well before any evidence of a trend was demonstrated (a trend that still has yet to be shown as existing at all) accusations that Sideshow is ripping people off---intentionally---were flying.

How long before the Better Business Bureau and the California State's Attorney General is hearing these complaints? Use your head nash.

Business is a servant of its consumer. Only in a communist country it is the opposite. In America, we can choose to inform the company we are not liking what we are seeing so they have a chance to make changes. We then have then have the right to take our money elsewhere when they do not listen to us and follow your business model. The consumer in mass are always right.

As for your comparison to the consumer/free market system as being similar as those wanting entitlements from our government health care industry is a very big stretch. In fact, it would be those wanting freedom of choice where we can decide to choose a better insurance plan instead of a single payer government run plan that would be similar to those of us moving along from sideshow products if we don't see them improving their products. :whip
Business is a servant of its consumer. Only in a communist country it is the opposite. In America, we can choose to inform the company we are not liking what we are seeing so they have a chance to make changes. We then have then have the right to take our money elsewhere when they do not listen to us and follow your business model. The consumer in mass are always right.

You completely missed his point. He's not saying it's the "opposite" at all. It's a fair trade barter system. You give them currency for a product. If you're not satisfied, they take their product back and refund your currency at which time you're free to spend elsewhere. As for the consumer in mass "always" being right, that's also not true. That's a mob mentality. "Might makes right!" How many times in this country have we seen the mob mentality ruin a good thing? Destroy order? LA riots? Yeah, it was fair for one ethnic group to trample, vandalize and loot another who had absolutely nothing to do with the reason they were rioting. Yet it was "justified" and all it's done is built racism and paranoia. There's a mob mentality at work right now that seems to think that blocking traffic and preventing the working class from getting to and from work will rally them to their cause and somehow make the government see that more money needs to be dumped into education. In reality, they're selfishly angering the very public they need. The working class' anger, instead of being focused at the bureaucrats, is geared at the protesters. But hey, mob mentality, right? Might makes right? Tell that to the Third Reich. :rolleyes:

In reality, instead of rallying the torchbearers, if you simply sent the piece back for a refund and spent your money elsewhere, you'd be making a considerably more mature point, than the continual long-winded entitlement rants you keep posting that are going in one ear and out the other of the company you're trying to address.
I'm not much of one for educating people on the words they have said. If you don't know what you said, you have bigger problems than anything I can fix.

Actually I'm fairly well aware of what I have said over the previous few pages. As to why your attacking averone, well, that's anyone's guess. Did you even read the past posts or just skip to the last couple.

How many of the people griping in these threads actually own the piece, and how many are jumping on the bandwagon because they get off on talking sh-t about Sideshow?

But, whatever. The only reason I have anything to say is that the attitude behind most of these complaints is the same attitude that has been ripping down and persecuting businesses for the past century. It's a mentality that sees a business as a servant of its consumer, and not an equal trading partner. The company makes a mistake, and those who declare themselves its customers feel free to spit and piss all over them until the company has proven itself subservient.

To answer your first question, no I don't own the IM 1:2, but I do own a number of SS and Weta statues and do currently have a $2K item on order.
Also, no, it's not about jumping on a bandwagon, it was in fact about who, from a customer point of view, should take responsibility for the quality of the products that Sideshow sells. All products, not just the IM 1:2 or this very thin Zangief statue, but those are two very current examples.
My argument, backed up by fact's, was that even tho the Zangief statue was 'made' by Pop Culture, as their sole world-wide retailer and distributor of their products, from a customer point of view, Sideshow was responsible for overseeing quality control and delivering what the customer paid for.
Now sure, you can return/replace, etc, but this isn't about a single item or even a single line, it's about expecting the industry to do better. So that the next package you open or the next order you place or even the first photo's on a forum, isn't about being worried or half expecting or looking to see what went wrong, does the production item matches the images displayed for pre-order.
Surely there is nothing worse then opening that new statue, with your fingers crossed, hoping that you didn't get a 'bad one' and by that I mean, one that isn't considered a 'fault', but still has a so-so paint job or crossed eye's or even chipped/broken at the factory, boxed up and then still sent to a customer.

As for making a business subservient, I don't see it that way. You make it sound as if a customer should just shut-up and be happy to get anything.
Yet, for as long as I can remember, there's been that big talk and policies and procedures all about 'continuous improvement', in products, in services, in everything that a company does. I'd like to hope that something more then just returns/refunds would feed back into that philosophy and that what I say is taken as the constructive criticism that it is.

I don't want to see Sideshow fail. What I want is for every product that they ship, to be as good as the Evil Queen PF I received a couple of weeks ago. Now sure, that maybe a tall order, but that is what 'continuous improvement' is all about. Can Sideshow do better, I believe they can, should they do better, yes.

BTW, the above does just apply to Sideshow, I expect the same from Weta, Hot Toys and all the other high-end collectible companies. It's just that Sideshow are the largest, so take the bigger hit.
You completely missed his point. He's not saying it's the "opposite" at all. It's a fair trade barter system. You give them currency for a product. If you're not satisfied, they take their product back and refund your currency at which time you're free to spend elsewhere. As for the consumer in mass "always" being right, that's also not true. That's a mob mentality. "Might makes right!" How many times in this country have we seen the mob mentality ruin a good thing? Destroy order? LA riots? Yeah, it was fair for one ethnic group to trample, vandalize and loot another who had absolutely nothing to do with the reason they were rioting. Yet it was "justified" and all it's done is built racism and paranoia. There's a mob mentality at work right now that seems to think that blocking traffic and preventing the working class from getting to and from work will rally them to their cause and somehow make the government see that more money needs to be dumped into education. In reality, they're selfishly angering the very public they need. The working class' anger, instead of being focused at the bureaucrats, is geared at the protesters. But hey, mob mentality, right? Might makes right? Tell that to the Third Reich. :rolleyes:

In reality, instead of rallying the torchbearers, if you simply sent the piece back for a refund and spent your money elsewhere, you'd be making a considerably more mature point, than the continual long-winded entitlement rants you keep posting that are going in one ear and out the other of the company you're trying to address.

Re-read his post, then re-read my response. You missed his point and mine. "We the people" represents "The masses" I am talking about. Not a mob rule, but that we have the choice to say what we want to a company when their quality goes down, and also have the choice to buy elsewhere if said company does not listen to "we the people" or the "masses". Your comparison to the riots and so forth is not applicable to my comparison at all.
To be fair, Sideshow didn't advertise this statue as solid polystone sculpture or hollow. If they want to produce a hollow statue, that is up to the producer.
Hollow statues are more prone to breakage and I'm sure they realize that and that they were willing to take the risk of having to take the responsibility to replace the broken ones should they break during transit.