thanks guys I am meeting with my partner tomorrow and will knock out a majority of these. They will be shipped very soon. thanks

Thank you, sir.
thanks guys I am meeting with my partner tomorrow and will knock out a majority of these. They will be shipped very soon. thanks
thanks guys I am meeting with my partner tomorrow and will knock out a majority of these. They will be shipped very soon. thanks
Alright guys sorry for the delay which is why I was hesitant in accepting payments for the items until now. I have been swamped with other projects. This is what I am going to do I will now begin accepting payments for the cape and tunic. When you send payment for the item/s I want you to also tell me the height of the body. I don't want the body name but I need the height of the body from the neck down so I can make the cape.
The price is 50 for a cape and 25 for a tunic or 70 for a set. You can send payment to [email protected] and please include the info on the height. Please give me a week to complete and then I will ship out first class mail. It is easier to include all info in the payment subject and not a PM as I am already swamped answering PMS due to overwhelming orders on batman capes. Thanks everyone.
Sorry I have not kept up with this thread
What is the story about the KP body? So it fixes the height issue and brings it to the proper scale? Any pictures of before and after compared to the SS Vadar or other SW figures? Sorry I already feel guilty about putting more money into the Vadar so want to make a better judgement about the KP body swap vs modding the abs on the SS body. Any help is appreciated
Sorry fellas, I was out of town last week.
Lforigno; is it too late to get it on a set of these robes? I did not have a chance to measure mine, but I think I did the same mod as Flosi (swap out the midsection for a stormtrooper one).
The collar is thinner than the previous capes I produced. It is a single layer of leather material as opposed to the double layer in the past. The chain is very similar to the chain from previous attempts.
Want now! Well actually, want yesterday, but now will do also!