Ignite 1/6 Ninja!!!

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Man, this thing is cool! I figured I'd skip it but seeing these pics, :monkey5
Damn you to hell, evilface!!! And thanks for the pics.
Anyone familiar with ToysHQ, they have him for $36 on pre-order.

Anyone get there's from ToysHQ? I have tried but their shopping cart wont let me past the shipping information. I've sent off a couple of emails, got a response asking me what country I was from, then silence, another email more silence. Any news on them?

Now I can't even get their site up. Oh well.
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I need a HT body and head for mine when it arrives. If anyone knows where I can order one online please help a bro out. :duff
I know. Everyone is sold out of the good base bodies. :monkey2 :monkey2 :monkey2

And I also need to get a good Asian head for this as well.
The Asian and Caucasian bodies are scarce now. I picked up a couple last year to replace the body that came with Hicks from the Aliens line, so luckily I still have the Asian head to use for the ninja conversion.

Btw, your ninja looks amazing! They did a really nice job on the sword, better than a lot of 1/6 scale Japanese swords that've come with other figures. The thickness of the hilt looks perfect. Any chance you could take a few more pics showing him with some of the other weapons? :D
I'm no Maulfan, but here some more pics. I put the bendy HT hands on him, look pretty good and hold the thin stars.

And yea, the outfit and accessories alone are worth the price of the figure. the metal accessories are pretty kewl and the sword/katana is pretty sweet.

The straps came on the figure were in some nifty ninja knot tie or something, I haven't been able to reproduce it. Anyone know of a link that shows how to do it?








Hey, no worries. Very few have MaulFan skills. Nice pics anyway. That head sculpt reminds me of Sho Kosugi and a little of Shinichi Chiba, who played Hattori Hanzo in the "Kage no Gundan" TV series years ago. The bendy hands would be perfect for this kind of figure with all his different weapons and stuff.

If you can give me a couple of days maybe I can post some examples of knots used for tying Japanese traditional clothing. I assume you were referring to his sash, and maybe his head cloth? Just let me know what you need and I'll see what I can do. :D

I especially like this one... the kuji-in pose.
Hopefully Ignite will continue their trend and bring out more figures in this area, much like they have done with their Romans; Maybe branch out even more into other parts of the world like China.

Great figure and kit.
I need to know how to make those hands.. I can deal with the head (repaint)

the Body and Hands are what I'm after and help is greatly appreciated!

You'll probably want to get a Hot Toys True-type body, which includes a set of bendy hands. The bendy ones are what you'll need to make the kuji hand positions.
Well the White Ignite Ninja is now out. And again, a very kewl figure. Most of the weapons are repaints of the first one except the throwing stars.



Figure right out of the box. The Ignite body does suck. Worse than da buck!!


Sculpt and paint are better this time around, and for some reason, they gave this masked figure rooted hair???? It is well done, but pointless on this figure.



Ahhhh, on a HT TT. Much better.



Again the Ignite Ninja once on a TT is a great figure. Can't wait for the brown one to ship.

The material this time is a heavier canvas type material that has weight and hangs much better than the thin material the black ninjas outfit.

Funny, this $40 uses that nice canvas material that Sideshows ANH Luke should have come with instead of the inferior material we got.
Great pics! I've been waiting for this figure to be released and am also quite impressed with it. White isn't exactly the most popular color for a ninja figure, not a historical one at least... but at this price, who cares?! Definitely getting at least one of these, too!

That face looks like a popular actor whose name I can't recall for some reason just now, but it might have something to do with the rooted hair choice to go with that face sculpt. No doubt someone else will know who it's supposed to look like. Anyway... the weapons again all look very well made, and it looks like they did an especially nice job on the "mizugumo" devices... the skimmers some ninja used to traverse wet or flooded areas quickly, without leaving obvious tracks.

Since the figure is dressed in white, then from a historical perspective this figure would probably be best suited to some sort of winter ops, and I suppose these mizugumo could possibly be used on snow or ice in that case.