Imagine if Stan Winston did AVP...

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Super Freak
Jun 16, 2008
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New York City
Just got this off Wikipedia.

In 2004, Winston expressed great disappointment when Director, Paul W.S. Anderson, did not come to him for the creature effects for Alien Vs. Predator, seeing as how he designed the Predator, and the Alien Queen. "They're like my children to me," he stated.

Oh man I had no idea he was even interested. How much MORE awesomeness Stan Winston could have brought to that movie and possibly our current collections. Not saying I don't like the current designs on Scar, Celtic and Chopper. Just saying, the endless possibilities the Godfather of special effects could have brought for us could have been mind blowing.
Yup,he would have brought WAY more to the table than what we got in those flicks.Oh well its never gonna happen now.
The effects would've been better, but I don't think it could have saved them.

Think Stan would've done an amazing job of directing one himself. Pumpkinhead was fantastic especially when you consider it was his first effort.
It is a lot but when you consider that directors now can bag $20,000,000+ paydays for a film and Stan was undisputidly the top of his field and built his company from essentially nothing to the biggest player in that game it doesn't seem too extortionate.
Stan Winston got $1,000,000.00 up front for just him if he were to do any movie. Just for his personal fee of being STAN WINSTON. The Studio did not want to pay that and went with ADI instead.

That's not even a pocket change for the studio...sad.
I would have loved to see him design the Predalien for AvP:R.

THAT would have been awesome.
I'm not certain Winston could have made them all that better. The stories were weak to begin with, and the writing and directing didn't help. The creatures and effects are the main reason why I actually do enjoy the films, on a very basic level mind you.

Now, if we're talking about Alien Resurrection, I definitely think Winston could have made that movie better. I cringe whenever I see that Newborn thing...
i think ADI did an "ok" job, but you get what you pay for :huh stan would have made it better.

but making the film better....nay. you cant polish a turd :lecture
as many film makers have said... Stan Winston helps on set not only for the special effects but for the whole thing too. He has directed movies , hes made the effects and hes " been there " whilst many " classic movies " were being made.
Hes worked with some of the worlds top film makers along with his team.

I do think to a certain point he would of helped not just with the special effects but the movie too.

I'm sure theres certain things he seen in the movie he can't stand and never would of allowed to happen.

One thing I do doubt he would of used as frequent is the cg.

Although yes... theres a certain point it gets to where it wouldn't have been up to him.
Mmmm... Ok so, Rick Baker is a god. But 'Planet of the Apes' is a pile of crap, right?
So wtf are you talking about with AVP being a great movie if 'Stan Winston'?
Stan would have used more of the Queen as an animatronic rather than CG. Also the preds would have probably have been leaner and less chunky looking. Another thing I didnt like was that the preds roared when they had their helmets on - they never did this before unless they were in pain. Remember "silent, invisible, invincible"?
You guys do know the guys in charge of ADI worked with Stan Winston Studios FOR YEARS before creating ADI? They worked with Stan during ALIENS, during PREDATOR and PREDATOR I think they had a clear idea of what they were doing. It was Paul W.S. Anderson that DID NOT.

I think ADI does a great job, it's the directors where the faults lie. Sure Stan may have brought something different, but that doesn't say it would've been better.

You have to keep in mind it was Anderson who is the client, not ADI...Anderson wanted the bulkier Preds, he wanted the "friendlier" faces...etc etc. ADI did what they were paid to do and ultimately how the creatures are portrayed on screen is HIS decision, not ADI's and not Stan's.
You guys do know the guys in charge of ADI worked with Stan Winston Studios FOR YEARS before creating ADI? They worked with Stan during ALIENS, during PREDATOR and PREDATOR I think they had a clear idea of what they were doing. It was Paul W.S. Anderson that DID NOT.

I think ADI does a great job, it's the directors where the faults lie. Sure Stan may have brought something different, but that doesn't say it would've been better.

You have to keep in mind it was Anderson who is the client, not ADI...Anderson wanted the bulkier Preds, he wanted the "friendlier" faces...etc etc. ADI did what they were paid to do and ultimately how the creatures are portrayed on screen is HIS decision, not ADI's and not Stan's.

I still think Stan may of tried convincing Anderson to make some other decisions. Hell , Stan I personally think in the directing chair has made much better movies than Paul Anderson himself.
ADI may of worked with Stan for years but they still haven't touched his work in terms of awesomness.
They seem to use cgi more and prefer it and I think Stan prefers to use more old school methods ( which usually look much better too ).

As soon as ADI were in contol of an alien movie on there own the Alien creatue seemed to be cg for a big chunk of the movie.
I know the dog alien was a harder creature to create on screen but I still doubt Stan would of used so much CGI.

They may have worked with Winston but there not as good as him in SFX and in movie making on a whole.

My old teacher taught me a few things but I don't know as much as him. :horror
The director of AVP was also the director of Mortal Kombat, and ADI did the suits for that movie, I'm also pretty sure that Stan was never considered for AVP, since ADI had done Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection. Also, Alec Gillis is a SAG puppeteer, and Tom Woodruff is always a performer in the Alien suits, probably got a great deal on their EFX services as well as their SAG talents.
You guys do know the guys in charge of ADI worked with Stan Winston Studios FOR YEARS before creating ADI? They worked with Stan during ALIENS, during PREDATOR and PREDATOR I think they had a clear idea of what they were doing. It was Paul W.S. Anderson that DID NOT.

I think ADI does a great job, it's the directors where the faults lie. Sure Stan may have brought something different, but that doesn't say it would've been better.

You have to keep in mind it was Anderson who is the client, not ADI...Anderson wanted the bulkier Preds, he wanted the "friendlier" faces...etc etc. ADI did what they were paid to do and ultimately how the creatures are portrayed on screen is HIS decision, not ADI's and not Stan's.

ADI is a great company, the production quality of what they make is great, Stan's influence shows. Their flaw in these franchises is they don't think about the creatures properly. I was watching the AVPR bts footage and they talk about evolving the creature and blah blah blah, which they've successfully done and left behind the original premise and design. Stan Winston most likely would have kept to the original Giger concept as he did on ALIENS. It's not so much that ADI can't create Aliens and Predators, but they're mindset behind the designs is a bit flawed.