1/6 Iminime Army of Darkness 1/6 Scale Figures

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He's possibly leaning towards Pennywise to start because it's probably the easiest to do. And there's not many choices for a Pennywise figure out there either.
Pennywise would probably be a cheaper license to acquire, since they seem to be going after official licensed work. I think SSC has a 1/6 scale Jason license, though we'll see what comes from it, and what quality it might be.
I would think they would be pretty comparable. The Pennywise suit, though unconventional, isn't particularly complex. We've seen a couple of successful custom attempts. In either case, attempts at "real" hair could create difficulties.
Pennywise first. Hands down. All the others have had figures before. Let some King characters get made. As for Freddy, part 2 Kevin Yagher look or GTFO.
He'll be contacting WB later I think. He said he's going to see if who has the rights for Pennywise.
King himself does. A hard sell for figures. I would kill for some 1/6 horror icons. Hope they keep iminime on for the sculpts.
There have been a smattering of cartoony Pennywise figures recently. Assuming the likeness rights from Curry weren't a huge obstacle (SSC has done statues of him as King Darkness, so I'm guessing it isn't a huge issue), I'm guessing this is very doable.
If he does Pennywise what accessories do you guys want?

He wants to try and do two versions of the figure but I'm trying to urge him that's not the best way to go. It's better to have one ultimate Pennywise package. Might be something like 700/300 ES split (normal and weathered/battery acid)

Anyways I suggested balloons and two sets of hands.

The battery acid will most likely be the normal sculpt just with weathering. What expression do you want PW to have? Happy? Teeth exposed? Normal or point teeth? Angry?

If you really want Pennywise and others to come true please like NSC on Facebook. He's just worried if he goes through with these figures it will be hard to sell. He is aiming for 1000 regular 500 deluxe of Ash. Pennywise would be 1000.
If he does Pennywise what accessories do you guys want?

He wants to try and do two versions of the figure but I'm trying to urge him that's not the best way to go. It's better to have one ultimate Pennywise package. Might be something like 700/300 ES split (normal and weathered/battery acid)

Anyways I suggested balloons and two sets of hands.

The battery acid will most likely be the normal sculpt just with weathering. What expression do you want PW to have? Happy? Teeth exposed? Normal or point teeth? Angry?

If you really want Pennywise and others to come true please like NSC on Facebook. He's just worried if he goes through with these figures it will be hard to sell. He is aiming for 1000 regular 500 deluxe of Ash. Pennywise would be 1000.

I will probably buy 2 of each of Ash sets........those numbers are extremely low so they should sell out
Yah he's just worried that 1000 will not sell out, but I'm trying to assure him it's a tiny number compared to the world population, or the collectors of the world.

Now he's trying to decide if he should start Pennywise or Myers first...hmmmm..;)
Yah he's just worried that 1000 will not sell out, but I'm trying to assure him it's a tiny number compared to the world population, or the collectors of the world.

Now he's trying to decide if he should start Pennywise or Myers first...hmmmm..;)

Pennywise without a doubt!!! We've already got tons of Michael Myers collectables out there but next to no Pennywise items apart from a couple of Funko figs.
I also agree with your suggestion of an ultimate set with a few different head sculpts. Personally I'd want the smiling "friendly" Pennywise head sculpt, and the transformed fanged version. Not a fan of the battery acid look, but it would be a cool option for collectors, though I'd personally never use it.
As far as accessories, a bunch of balloons for sure, and the paper boat.
If we're just throwing names out there....how about:

Norman Bates (clean version and motherised)
David and (decomposing) Jack from 'An American Werewolf in London'
The Tooth Fairy from 'Manhunter'
Annie Wilkes from 'Misery'
Pennywise without a doubt!!! We've already got tons of Michael Myers collectables out there but next to no Pennywise items apart from a couple of Funko figs.

To be fair, there's never been a decent (licensed) 1/6 version of Myers. The sideshow one is gash and looks like the boy band version of Michael. Also, anyone doing Myers needs (NEEDS!) to do a Loomis to go with it.
I would love to see Myers too but Pennywise must get made first. As for accessories, just an alternate head and balloon will do.