Tuco and Angel Eyes arrived today and both look fantastic. Not much more to say than what's already been said. Outstanding sculpts, paints, tailoring, packaging, etc. I don't miss the gold bags. The noose is cool. I would have liked to have seen Tuco's sombrero, however.
I'm going to go with hunter on this one regarding the boots and bullets. At least make them available. Considering the thousands of dollars that folks have spent with Iminime, and the fact that people would have been willing to pay for the upgrade, at some point you would think someone would have said "hey we've got an opportunity to upgrade the boots, holster and bullets on these, do you think maybe we should see if some of the buyers of the original would be interested?" I mean, c'mon. That's just good customer relations. How many times have folks gotten ticked with HT when they rerelease a figure with an upgrade. Now maybe nobody did think of it, and that's okay, but don't try to pacify buyers with an empty argument. To be honest I don't know if I would have bought the upgrade. At best I put it at 50/50 because often times I don't pay attention to those things, or depending on price, might not have seen the value. But it would have been good to have had the option. That said, I'm sure it's not going to be a big deal to me in the long run, Blondie is still in the box as it is. But in the future think about all the customers. Not just the latest ones coming into the door.