Damn my set is still stuck at customs 
It better get delivered to me by next Friday or I'm screwed, as I go on holiday for 2 weeks.

It better get delivered to me by next Friday or I'm screwed, as I go on holiday for 2 weeks.

I love the Tuco pose.
Well done!
Hey... Did blondie have that strap on his hand? ... Just noticed can't remember. Does the trio set blondie come with that hand leather strap? ... Also, do blondies sleeve buttons always remain open?
Great pics, croozer, and excellent futzing on the poncho!
Congratulations on acquiring the trio, Daniel! Great pictures too!
Picked up the trio set from the post office today and WOW they are truly incredible! Blondie is easily my favorite figure now and Angel Eyes and Tuco are great pieces on their own. GBU is in my top three favorite movies and to own these figures and have it represented on my shelf is such a great feeling. Thanks Denny, Wake and everyone who brought these figures to life.
Some quick pics of Tuco and Blondie, didn't have time to set up Angel Eyes today.
Blondie looks different to the original Blondie iminime made, did they change something?
Looks to me like the ash on the end of the cigar isn't as grey, the cheeks have more of a rosey look, the beard has finer detailing, and mostly i notice the eye color is more blue.
Looks to me like the ash on the end of the cigar isn't as grey, the cheeks have more of a rosey look, the beard has finer detailing, and mostly i notice the eye color is more blue.
Yup, that's pretty much everything I see in that pic too. Seems like a slightly better paint-up than the original
The new sculpts were painted using the original proto as reference. Therefore any variance in painting is do to the variations in the style, execution and talent of the individual painters. Even a single person never sig,no his name in the exact same way.
Spent 4 hours taking pictures of them; thank you Denny Kim for producing such amazing figures!!!
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It was worth the time! Amazing pics!
Yup, that's pretty much everything I see in that pic too. Seems like a slightly better paint-up than the original
The new sculpts were painted using the original proto as reference. Therefore any variance in painting is do to the variations in the style, execution and talent of the individual painters. Even a single person never sig,no his name in the exact same way.