Super Freak
Let me start by saying that I’m not one of those people that have a problem with the way you speak and I’m not offended in the least by the fook word. I actually dig the lingo from our brothers across the pond, I like you passion for the hobby and I dig your reviews. I think you do a great job and definitely know your s__t when it comes to the mass produced side of the hobby, but I have to say that it’s very evident that you’re completely out of your element when you’re talking about customs. You said that you won’t be offended if someone comes forth to say that you have it wrong…. so I don’t want you to be offended when I tell you that you have it waaaaaay off brother. Everything that you said is the usual set of ideas that we’ve heard 100 times from people who lack knowledge of the way the custom world works, and have ideas that are full of misconception and assumption.
I’m honestly wondering why you wanted to even spend an hour to review these figs? You don’t like Clint, don’t like this movie much or westerns at all in general, don’t really like customs and seem to have a set of feelings about custom collectors… so why review them? It’s kind of hard to be fair and honest when there is that much bias and misconception involved. For the 10 reasons already mentioned and another 50 more, you can’t compare mass produced stuff and customs in an apple to apple fashion. And to compare them to Carlito??? That may be the best mass produced sculpt TO DATE that sits on top of a great body with an awesome outfit and includes great extras… for $160-$180. HT won’t even give us that kind of package for that price point anymore. That figure is far from your average everyday 1/6 offering. But if Denny produced 3000(+/-) Blondies like BW surely did Carlito, then I’m sure it would’ve been offered in a much more similar price range.
Dude I like what you do but my humble opinion is you should stick to reviewing mass produced stuff. As is there is plenty of misconception out there about the custom offerings; no need to spread any more
Truthful? Fair & balanced?? What's going on with you bro. You're a guy that is a straight art figure collector, isn't into to the mass produced product and you find his ideas about customs truthful?
Of course. Most people in this hobby have a parts bin and some of us custom nuts have a very extensive bins filled with hand sets, bodies, weapons, etc. I even change the hands on my Rainman figs because even though he includes official TT (most of the time), only the 2 pair that come with the body are included and most times that's less than what's needed.
The thinking that custom producers should include hands that are perfectly suitable for the accessories in a set is fueled by more misconception. They don't use injection moulding methods so how would this be done? With resin? So we could get rock hard, unmalleable hands that also don't work well with the accessories?

Pop, you and I have had some disagreements in the past... but today is NOT one of those days.