Hahaha! C'mon man. What is all this talk about misconceptions? What was not brutally clear or honest about that review? He's out of his element reviewing custom figures now? Dude your out of your element trying to even suggest that to a guy that has like 4000 subscribers doing somthing that is well within is element....REVIEWING FIGURES! He must be doing somthing right.
Here's a review coming from someone who is not a custom figure Hoarder, HOW REFRESHING! That review was full of praise, too much infact for someone your labeling as a custom figure hater. He doesn't like the film....so what! How many figures have you bought without even knowing a damn thing about the film!

. Am I mistaken in saying you were the guy that went scrambling to watch this GBU film when it was announced as a future product release? Was that you or am I missing somthing here? Do we need to press rewind pop, because I'll go digging in the archives for those comments.....
Denny has bent over backwards to cater to his customers, more than any other figure maker on this board. That is true. On average, for what these figures are, the price is fair, that is also true. But have there been some major flaws.....absolutely. Everyone wants to talk about the technicalities of how the manufacturing process works with customs and blah, blah, blah. Spare me dude. What type of company is this! How about we start off with somthing easier....Which company is this? Is it Iminime or Masterworks?
Custom figures can't come with custom sculpted hands because it's not feasible with the accessories....what A GUN, 1 GUN? That is the craziest thing I heard yet. You know very well that custom hands are possible and the bring out so much more realism to a figure and would constitute real handmade work more so than just a painted headsculpt.
No one wants box art because why? All they need is the figure for $500 plus? Are you serious. Here's a thought, wouldn't box art also serve as an authentication measure much like a COA? So now you've got two ways to prove that it's the genuine article instead of a plain monogrammed box. Isn't it worth it to spruce up the presentation anyways? Some people like box art and some of those people are potential Denny Kim customers.
And the bodies.....their dog **** like clipper said, and yes there's a drought on Truetypes. Let's keep it real though, even if better bodies were available in abundance they would not have used them because Iminime or Masterworks just don't do that. They need to keep costs down while trying to maintain a certain quality level for their product. Fair enough. It may have been a bit of a stretch to compare the price points between Carlito and a single trio figure but it was very interesting to see that quality wise, more money for somthing doesn't necessarily mean better product. Cool, we'll chalk it up to the overhead and cost of producing these items for Denny compared to an enterprise like Hottoys. If Iminime or Masterworks have that mass produce ambition but lack the proper resources to compete at that scale, then why are they trying to project themselves that way because people who are new to this associate this brand more with the likes of Bros. Production, Blitzway, Enterbay than just someone making this stuff on their own time in a garage somewhere.