[iminime] (The Cowboy), The Bounty Hunter & The Bandit

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Re: [iminime] The Bad & The Ugly - Completing 'The Cowboy'

Wake, are your setting up aftermarket auctions trying to pump up stock for this stuff? This isn't what an official/partnered iminime rep should be doing, don't ya think :dunno! I mean what point are you so desperately trying to prove with regards to iminime product. Why are you so directly involved in aftermarket "gouging" when you have such a direct line to Iminine merchandise? What's to say you won't be "smart" as you say, stock up and sell goods that you have direct access to at exorbitant prices. Do I have to worry that I won't be able to get in demand Iminime products because there's a rep that controls product and will now decide behind the scenes to manufacture demand and use unfair pricing tactics? That's very bad business and raises alot of red flags....are you a reseller or an OFFICIAL IMINIME representative?

It's one thing for someone to sell their property in the after-market, but how is this appropriate when you deal with customers information and control goods? :lol

You are really out to stir something up aren't you? First you want to insinuate that the bidding in my auction was someone illegitimate. So much so that you specifically asked for 'proof of sale'.... I obliged because the fact of the matter is I have nothing to hide. I was up front about my desire to sell my DX before it went up and when it went up. I started the auciton at $50 with no reserve. I don't have control over how much someone decides to pay. I also don't have control over how much someone decides to charge for products they legitimately purchase from Iminime. The fact is that the man-of-aciton relationship with iminime pre-dates any and all of my involvement. So your qualm is with Denny not me and I'll be sure to direct him to your post.

Honestly I resent your comments and I'm quite offended by them. Because i've been nothing but an exemplary representative of not only Iminime but of the members of this forum. Always looking out for collector's concerns and what not. I don't profit from anyone pricings of aftermarket sales. Not MOA or anyone else.

So watch what you accuse me of, because at the end of the day the only people who will judge us are our peers.
Re: [iminime] The Bad & The Ugly - Completing 'The Cowboy'

Wake, are your setting up aftermarket auctions trying to pump up stock for this stuff? This isn't what an official/partnered iminime rep should be doing, don't ya think :dunno! I mean what point are you so desperately trying to prove with regards to iminime product. Why are you so directly involved in aftermarket "gouging" when you have such a direct line to Iminine merchandise? What's to say you won't be "smart" as you say, stock up and sell goods that you have direct access to at exorbitant prices. Do I have to worry that I won't be able to get in demand Iminime products because there's a rep that controls product and will now decide behind the scenes to manufacture demand and use unfair pricing tactics?
That's very bad business and raises alot of red flags....are you a reseller or an OFFICIAL IMINIME representative?

It's one thing for someone to sell their property in the after-market, but how is this appropriate when you deal with customers information and control goods?

You really need to cool your jets, Turbo. Omar bought the Cowboy (prior to his involvement with iminime), decided he wanted to sell it, and threw it on ebay... at a low starting bid with no reserve to boot. How can you possibly blame him for the price it reached? Also, this is not a pattern or practice for him, so I'm really not sure what you're getting at.

Honestly I resent your comments and I'm quite offended by them.

Can't blame you.
Re: [iminime] The Bad & The Ugly - Completing 'The Cowboy'

Do I have to worry that I won't be able to get in demand Iminime products because there's a rep that controls product and will now decide behind the scenes to manufacture demand and use unfair pricing tactics? That's very bad business and raises alot of red flags....are you a reseller or an OFFICIAL IMINIME representative?

It's one thing for someone to sell their property in the after-market, but how is this appropriate when you deal with customers information and control goods? :lol
This would bring up a fair point if, say, Omar had an unfair advantage securing the DX because of his new relationship with Denny, while the rest of us had to scratch and claw for them. But I've seen no evidence of that, and as of now, Omar seems to be both representative for Iminime and a reseller of Iminime goods, so it's not like he was pretending to be one or the other. And if Denny is OK with it, then even if he did stockpile figures trying to decrease available stock to the public in order to increase prices (I don't think he would--it would be a risk on his part if nothing else), it isn't for you or me to say what's right or wrong. This is Denny's business to run as he chooses, and he has voluntarily brought Omar on board.
Re: [iminime] The Bad & The Ugly - Completing 'The Cowboy'

This would bring up a fair point if, say, Omar had an unfair advantage securing the DX because of his new relationship with Denny, while the rest of us had to scratch and claw for them. But I've seen no evidence of that, and as of now, Omar seems to be both representative for Iminime and a reseller of Iminime goods, so it's not like he was pretending to be one or the other. And if Denny is OK with it, then even if he did stockpile figures trying to decrease available stock to the public in order to increase prices (I don't think he would--it would be a risk on his part if nothing else), it isn't for you or me to say what's right or wrong. This is Denny's business to run as he chooses, and he has voluntarily brought Omar on board.

Here's the thing.... I WOULD NEVER EXPLOIT my relationship with Denny or Iminime or the members of this board. My reputation is far more valuable. Every penny CS makes is currently being reinvested into future projects and goals. As of today I have ZERO personal gain from my involvement. Obviously the end goal is not that... but I just want to emphasize that Im in this for the long haul not the quick buck...

FURTHERMORE, what i do as a private citizen with figures I pay full price for is MY OWN DANG BUSINESS. Because im an iminime rep does that now also mean i can never buy a custom made by Rainman? Or Kato/Sean? Hell no! That's not what i signed on for and Denny knows that.

My final point is regarding this allegation of 'gouging'.... WHO IS GOUGING? If you someone puts the figure up for auction and the MARKET dictates the value why is it gouging? So every time a Sotheby's auction goes off at record prices the auctioneers are gouging?!
Re: [iminime] The Bad & The Ugly - Completing 'The Cowboy'

You really need to cool your jets, Turbo. Omar bought the Cowboy (prior to his involvement with iminime), decided he wanted to sell it, and threw it on ebay... at a low starting bid with no reserve to boot. How can you possibly blame him for the price it reached? Also, this is not a pattern or practice for him, so I'm really not sure what you're getting at.
It does seem to be some worst case scenario theorizing. The one thing that might jump out to an outside, objective observer was Omar saying that he thought manofactionfigures was smart for doing what he does. And now, clearly, Omar is in a position to replicate that behavior if he chooses to. But I would counter by saying that most of us could do the same. If I wanted to buy up 5 or 10 Dorothy's to capitalize on it later, then I'm not sure Denny would stop me. He would probably be happy to just move those sets. So unless it's something extremely rare like the DX stuff, I don't see how Omar even could have too much of an unfair advantage.
Re: [iminime] The Bad & The Ugly - Completing 'The Cowboy'

Here's the thing.... I WOULD NEVER EXPLOIT my relationship with Denny or Iminime or the members of this board. My reputation is far more valuable. Every penny CS makes is currently being reinvested into future projects and goals. As of today I have ZERO personal gain from my involvement. Obviously the end goal is not that... but I just want to emphasize that Im in this for the long haul not the quick buck...

FURTHERMORE, what i do as a private citizen with figures I pay full price for is MY OWN DANG BUSINESS. Because im an iminime rep does that now also mean i can never buy a custom made by Rainman? Or Kato/Sean? Hell no! That's not what i signed on for and Denny knows that.
The real key point is, there's no evidence that you have done anything Turbo is suggesting that I can see. So whatever someone's qualms might be if that was the case, it's a moot point right now. But if you did decide to invest in a few figures you thought were going to appreciate to sell later, I personally wouldn't begrudge you for doing it so long as everyone else had that same opportunity.
Re: [iminime] The Bad & The Ugly - Completing 'The Cowboy'

Not trying to stir anything up, but I read between the lines and these are your words not mine. This is SUSPECT.

He is a member. Although he doesn't frequent the boards often. However more importantly he is an authorized dealer who buys in bulk from CS/IMinime. He's smart. He stockpiles these hard to find releases and eventually someone buys them when they are desperate enough. More power to him. It's a great model and he's smart to recogniE the potential for earnings.
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Re: [iminime] The Bad & The Ugly - Completing 'The Cowboy'

I'm not trying to stir anything up, but I read between the lines and these are your words not mine. This is SUSPECT.

The only one who seems to think so is you!

WHat's suspect exactly? Stop skirting around the accusation and say it... so i can refute your ridiculous claim once and for all.

What part of "The relationship between Denny/Iminime and Man-of-action PREDATES my involvement" do you not understand? And my complementing his business strategy is no different than me saying 'Apple computer knows what they are doing!'
Re: [iminime] The Bad & The Ugly - Completing 'The Cowboy'

Don't play yourself man. Since Day 1 you've had this thing of trying to legitimize some bogus claim of after market prices for Iminime product and your using a genuinely great product as leverage for that claim when you really should be more concerned with how to get these figures to collectors at affordable prices and satisfy demand......which I though was Iminime's business philosophy. Also for the record I still think that auction was set-up, so please Wake prove me wrong because I'm still stuck on why you wouldn't just offer it on the boards but go set up an auction and than promote the auction on these boards! :lol No one who really has experience with selling comes on these boards and parades around their aftermarket "earning" as you so eloquently state it.

I'm not concerned with what your relationship was then, all that matters is what it is now and my opinion is that as an "Official Rep" how is running an gouged "auction" appropriate behavior?
Re: [iminime] The Bad & The Ugly - Completing 'The Cowboy'

Oh, for the love of god, turbo, can you can it, please? Honestly, the only person you're painting in a negative light with your veiled allegations is yourself. Have you ever heard of supply and demand? I can't say I blame man_of_action figures, either. It isn't like Denny's giving him the figures. The guy is investing his own money and, at the end of the day, he can do with his property as he sees fit; it's the law of supply and demand in action.

Furthermore, your whole price gauging thing with Omar is a bit of nonsense if I may say so, myself. Unlike man_of_action figures, there was no law of supply and demand in action there. The only person you could blame is the one who was willing to pay $3000, but, why would you do that? Why begrudge someone for willing to pay for something they want?

I just think the whole argument is nonsense, and, frankly, it's disrespectful and shameful behavior
[iminime] The Bad & The Ugly - Completing 'The Cowboy'

I can't believe what I just read.

The auction was staged?! LOL ok bro. I can see you are conspiracy theorist. It's not like I timed my auction to be right before the trio announcement or preorder. Wouldn't it have been smarter to use my knowledge of the upcoming preorder to my advantage and sell the DX set BEFORE news of the trio went live? After all I knew WELL in advance of anyone else. Price on my set would've been even more inflated since there was notion or idea that the cowboy would ever be offered again. Instead It was my freaking idea that Denny offer the complete trio. JUST to satisfy those customers who had missed out.

No. And it's not like I sold the DX to drive sales of the trio. The auction was only half way through and the trio sold out before the figure sold on eBay.

So what then would be the point of faking the eBay auction?! Tell me because I'm curious to see what your ridiculous reasoning is?

I still don't understand your argument. Am I profiting unethically or am I staging auctions?! Can't be both. You are grasping at straws and making a fool out of yourself.
Re: [iminime] The Bad & The Ugly - Completing 'The Cowboy'

Everybody needs to calm down

man of action figure has been a dealer before wake is involved.

I didnt know this before but I know now that
moa is keeping up iminime figures and wait
for his timing for better value.

He does not take big. Mostly few.
So I have no right to say to them : not to sell high price.

Wake's action was his personal thing which
is nothing to do with partnership

For iminime policy. I do not take premium with my stock
and cs is doing same.

anyway. someone's word can hurt someone's feeling

let's not do this.

I am happy for wake that he got extra money
for his collection from the action that he
did not expect that high price. but the market
is market. and I am aware of it.

I remember one of my friends collected very
first models of michal lau's design figures.
he spent 100k for just few figures.
and he said it was worth. he spent 1 year to
collect it.

i am not sure what value it is now.

anyway. calm down and i am happy with wake totally
he did nothing wrong.

Re: [iminime] The Bad & The Ugly - Completing 'The Cowboy'

I can't believe what I just read.

The auction was staged?! LOL ok bro. I can see you are conspiracy theorist. It's not like I timed my auction to be right before the trio announcement or preorder. Wouldn't it have been smarter to use my knowledge of the upcoming preorder to my advantage and sell the DX set BEFORE news of the trio went live? After all I knew WELL in advance of anyone else. Price on my set would've been even more inflated since there was notion or idea that the cowboy would ever be offered again. Instead It was my freaking idea that Denny offer the complete trio. JUST to satisfy those customers who had missed out.

No. And it's not like I sold the DX to drive sales of the trio. The auction was only half way through and the trio sold out before the figure sold on eBay.

So what then would be the point of faking the eBay auction?! Tell me because I'm curious to see what your ridiculous reasoning is?

I still don't understand your argument. Am I profiting unethically or am I staging auctions?! Can't be both. You are grasping at straws and making a fool out of yourself.

DUDE! Didn't you use that auction to justify the price of that bundled up trio? This whole re-release nonsense and offering it up again as a bundled exclusive only? Parading your theory's on aftermarket prices, going on other custom artists threads and questioning their pricing or products? All is fair Omar, I don't stand on ceremony so don't say I can't bring up legitimate questions. I'm not going to not question what looks like the beginnings of sketchy business. But I'm glad I got your attention. Consider this me checking you.
Re: [iminime] The Bad & The Ugly - Completing 'The Cowboy'

Re: [iminime] The Bad & The Ugly - Completing 'The Cowboy'

by the way, I am making some extra outfit for blondie.

Will show you guys once it's done.