Trust me Mike, I know it won't ! Not dogging you for suggesting it in the slightest because it's logical given that it's a bit shorter, but it did make me cringe a bit but that's only because I've been working with that body for years and padding up all sorts of ways, Frankensteining it with other parts, trying it on all sorts of characters. Bottom line it won't work unless you're dealing with a really lanky character like Luke Skywalker, Joseph Gordon levitt or the like. When it's right it's the best option by far but when it's wrong it's totally wrong. Since Tuco is super stalky and a bit overweight or wouldn't work well.
There's easier ways to shorten bodies than to use one that's the wrong build entirely. I didn't get Denny's Tuco but I might as well experiment with my Rainman one because I agree it might be better if all scale was accurate. I can share my method once complete.
I had a thought, enterbays Scarface body should be perfect! Shorter, stalkier but not too skinny but very "average guy" in build. With the padded belly it should be perfect. The issue is the attached neck but I've worked around that before.
Although I know this sort of option wouldn't be a solution for Denny to use right off the get-go, it might be an option for those obsessed to make it perfect. It's not too expensive a body on the secondary market.