I'm worried if they start pumping out so many at a time the quality will go down. There goes the hope to fix superman
That’ll all depend on how ‘hands on’ Viper is with the production of each figure. I’d like to believe he was intimately involved with most, if not all the portraits of their 1st phase and would go to the factories to make sure everything is up to his standards: From the molding and casting process to the paint application.
when you consider the fact he himself is an artist and has made figures with his own hands, I’m CONFIDENT that is what he does: in the trenches and on the field.
He’s not just a CEO pointing fingers saying “That. Yes, that. Go make that.”
I’m sure any freelance artist HERE that has sculpted something and partnered up with someone to make multiples of their work would demand to see the 1st batch to make sure NOTHING was lost in the molding and casting process. I expect no less from Viper.
As their consumer base expands, so will their team and factory access. A dip in quality won’t come from the factories or workload. It all comes down to WHO is over seeing the entire production. With Viper, an artist that’s intimately familiar with toy design and manufacturing at the helm, I’m sure the quality will remain consistent.
BUT at a certain point, Viper’s creative director/lead artist’s role will be reduced over time and probably take on a more…producer role. So the responsibilities of making sure their products maintain Viper’s standards will fall on the people he hired to take over his position. THAT is when it’s time to get concerned.
Viper has stated numerous times about having shorter turn around times so collectors can get their figures shortly after reveal. I mean…technically he did live up to that with Joker. That figure was revealed in 2022 and people received it in 2022…..AND 2023 because of batches

. The thing to take away from that is: shorter turn around times IS possible. Now they just gotta fine tune it so figures come out faster and maintain that quality.
I ain’t a-feared or anything for the next 2-3 years. InArt has my full trust and confidence.