HT will likely announce their own Reeve 2.0 this year and beat this to the finish line.
This is honestly what I think’s going to happen. I’m really rooting for InArt and their presence has absolutely benefited this hobby. Right down to the marked difference in Hot Toys products
before they came on the scene and
after, but I also feel like they need to hustle if they want to
stay in the Industry. Because HT seems to be throwing all of their resources and capital into effectively burying them before they can grow. The way they’ve been pumping out releases, for instance, is uncharacteristic of what we’d been used to for years, but they are, and, in the case of something like Gunn Superman, for instance, if InArt wants to compete? They’re going to need to be efficient.
People waited patiently for the IA Batman but they also started to wear that patience thin for a lot and, by the time they got around to shipping, people had already customized the hell out of their HT releases to the point where the cost/benefit analysis of which to choose was pretty much a wash. I like a lot of what IA is doing, but they need to be mindful of their shortcomings, too, and how to improve. Honestly? Rip off JND’s magnet eyes thing. That’s the best feature about that Joker figure, if you ask me. They need stronger magnets and, if they’re going to persist in that, ratchet joints that maintain their integrity and can withstand the force of the magnets without the figures falling over. On that note, I also think, it they’re going to continue down that magnet route, they need fully magnetized surfaces instead of those weird, shifting plates like Batman had (I’m not sure how their newest LotR and Dune releases are, so, hopefully, they’ve addressed that).
Overall, I just
really want them to succeed because, if not? JND’s not impressing me with their writing checks with their egos that their overpriced products and while I’m excited about this new chapter for Hot Toys, I 1000% see them backsliding into their same old **** if they become the only game in town, again…