InArt Phoenix Joker 1/6

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I agree, probably didn't have much that is ready to be shown other than the already announced stuff (Batman, BVS Sup). Hence why all the new reveals look rough and this Joker is the best of the bunch. Surprised to not see Chainsaw Man at all though since they already announced that in the previous event
I agree, probably didn't have much that is ready to be shown other than the already announced stuff (Batman, BVS Sup). Hence why all the new reveals look rough and this Joker is the best of the bunch. Surprised to not see Chainsaw Man at all though since they already announced that in the previous event
It's good but I'd say Thorin is the best looking proto they've revealed at this show. It looks like it's ready to go up for PO unlike the others.
It's good but I'd say Thorin is the best looking proto they've revealed at this show. It looks like it's ready to go up for PO unlike the others.
You know're totally right. I'm not a big fan of the IP so I just glanced over him. He does indeed look the best by a mile
Rushed deadline to show for this event would be my guess. They’ve stacked too much on their plate trying to please us.
good and bad. at least they will have early feedback to appropriately fix what needs to be fixed and update them. on the other hand, leaves a bad impression on them for rushing figures but they've been known to do this even before now. look at aragorn at the vegas event or even Pattinson (maybe)
The best looking but still not totally ok, the hair color is absolutely off on Thorin.
I wouldn't say totally off. Needs to be a bit darker in the brown probably but with the filters and color grading in the film, it's hard to tell. Looking at stills right now, some scenes it looks like what InArt did, other times it looks almost black. Either way, doesn't detract from what I said that it looks more ready for PO than the others. Based on their previous figures as recent as Cavill Superman, InArt will be open to feedback even when they put it up for PO;

Anyway those type details like the hair should remain in the Thorin thread. A mod already had to move the conversation once. Don't need them to do it again.

My original post was simply stating that Thorin looked more ready for PO than the rest, including this Joker.
They need to worry less about events and announcements and take that spent energy and time on really ironing out all of the flaws in their prototype and production process as well as studying the source material extensively for each product. If a sculpt isn’t ready, wait to show us, then show it when you feel it’s good, then open up the floor for feedback allowing yourself the appropriate time window to make changes before production begins.
They need to worry less about events and announcements and take that spent energy and time on really ironing out all of the flaws in their prototype and production process as well as studying the source material extensively for each product. If a sculpt isn’t ready, wait to show us, then show it when you feel it’s good, then open up the floor for feedback allowing yourself the appropriate time window to make changes before production begins.
sadly many people are not like us with patience of a saint and are willing to wait. for all i know people pestered them to show off their batman

they want to show presence and be a big name and make sure people are familiar with them who don't closely follow this hobby, making sure to leave a good enough presentation and impression

its wishful thinking to think they'd do extensive and grueling research if certain details are still being overlooked. just look at ledger for an example. it will be close but never 100% accurate unfortunately.

i slowly need to change my mindset and expectations for these companies, and maybe starting with certain custom artists as well. it feels more and more that i should handle my own projects if they aren't willing to go through all of the little small details to ensure its as accurate as possible (ofc within reason since some things just arent able to be replicated in this scale)
They need to worry less about events and announcements and take that spent energy and time on really ironing out all of the flaws in their prototype and production process as well as studying the source material extensively for each product. If a sculpt isn’t ready, wait to show us, then show it when you feel it’s good, then open up the floor for feedback allowing yourself the appropriate time window to make changes before production begins.
True. Though, like some else mentioned, this could just be part of their business tactics maybe? Show a bad prototype>get ppl engaged with the feedback including potential new customers>show new prototype to say "Hey look, we listened to you" which gains you favor over the customers which could potentially make ppl more inclined to purchase as ppl begin to feel heard.

This of course is different than the HT approach that is usually take it or leave it no matter how many ppl make complaints about any given figure.

We see it here and I wouldn't doubt that it's elsewhere also that ppl are less worried about any of these prototypes b/c InArt will fix it - right? right?
I wouldn't say totally off. Needs to be a bit darker in the brown probably but with the filters and color grading in the film, it's hard to tell. Looking at stills right now, some scenes it looks like what InArt did, other times it looks almost black. Either way, doesn't detract from what I said that it looks more ready for PO than the others. Based on their previous figures as recent as Cavill Superman, InArt will be open to feedback even when they put it up for PO;

Anyway those type details like the hair should remain in the Thorin thread. A mod already had to move the conversation once. Don't need them to do it again.

My original post was simply stating that Thorin looked more ready for PO than the rest, including this Joker.
right, I agree that he looks the best and closest to PO. All the others feel somehow rushed.
They need to worry less about events and announcements and take that spent energy and time on really ironing out all of the flaws in their prototype and production process as well as studying the source material extensively for each product. If a sculpt isn’t ready, wait to show us, then show it when you feel it’s good, then open up the floor for feedback allowing yourself the appropriate time window to make changes before production begins.
I don't see much harm with either option. Whether they show it at an early stage now or later, you would still get people providing feedback but would get 1 less "round" of it. Could also be a tactic that they use to be more engaged with their customer base. Like "Here, this is where we're currently at with this figure, what are the most glaring things that we can adjust or fix?" They then "adjust", announce for preorder and then continue listening to feedback to adjust even further before release.

I said this in the Cavill thread but something to also keep in mind is that they can't dump an unlimited amount of resource, time and money to every single figure. I imagine they have a budget for each project and having constant revisions and changes just isn't feasible. They might want to get in 2 rounds of feedback from customers compared to only getting 1. Hot Toys falls into this "limited time/money sink" as well but the difference is, we don't ever hear anything from them regarding listening to feedback of any sort for 99% of the time. It's more of a gamble and a roll of a dice whether Hot Toys decides to put some extra time and attention towards a certain release. A vast majority of their figures goes through with zero changes, even if there's a huge amount of people complaining about something.

INART might have it structured out where a figure goes through a few phases. Early Prototype -> Gain Feedback -> Teaser -> Announce Photos/PO -> 2nd Round of Feedback -> Release. Of course, this can also fall into the part where this is all a tactic to appear to be more engaged. Who knows.
I just want a company that is ran by artists willing to do everything possible to make things as accurate as possible. Wishful thinking? Yeah.

It feels disheartening to know the customers are basically running the ship so to speak. How can one begin to work on a project without taking as many screen grabs from a given film as well as watching it start to finish to thoroughly prep themselves? That seems like the only correct way to approach this craft? No?
Sent these to InArt on Instagram, as I don’t have Facebook:

That’s it, we all need to work for InArt.
not to toot my horn but i would love to be in the research department, absolutely love finding small ass details that no one ever picked up on. been consulting for a friend's project and seeing the small meticulous details are eye opening for certain characters who you'd think would have simple design clothes
I just want a company that is ran by artists willing to do everything possible to make things as accurate as possible. Wishful thinking? Yeah.

It feels disheartening to know the customers are basically running the ship so to speak. How can one begin to work on a project without taking as many screen grabs from a given film as well as watching it start to finish to thoroughly prep themselves? That seems like the only correct way to approach this craft? No?
Unfornately this is indeed within the wishful thinking realm. You just won't get that unless if you find a millionaire willing to pay a team of artist a constant rate of money to work an endless amount on a single figure until it's as perfect as can be. It's just never happening.

You don't even get that in the custom scene. You see all the time a bunch of outfits and sculpts that go through "production" even when there's a list of changes that need to be made because the tailor/sculptor says they can't sink more time or money into the project. Such is the nature of it all. I wouldn't even say the customers are running the ship here. At the end of the day, these things are made and run through various people, each having their own "artistic eye" to things. Gaining feedback from an outside source that can view it with a fresh eye is a great thing to do in the art world.

Just imagine this forum coming together to make a figure. We all like to nitpick and have different opinions on what's right and wrong on a certain figure. Now imagine having to take ALL of those opinions and have it come together into a single figure that you need to sell. It's just not gonna be perfect, as much as we might like to think that we each know best.
I agree @Hologram AI,

But if we did have hands on with producing it, we’d know when something was screen accurate, your eye just spots it immediately when something is done right. All of our back and forth is from imagination in our minds not being able to see it realized imo.