The Spirit of Darkness
Same, happy with the PS version of most of the core characters, no intention of getting multiple year versions of the same characters.I will stop with The Philosopher's Stone. That's enough representation of the franchise for me, as that's easily the most attached to the source material I ever was. I was near their age when the first film came out, so it was a big part of my childhood.
You mighttttt get me to get a Sirius Black. But I then am stuck having to buy another Harry to pair with him and then the cycle starts over.
Only "exception" might be Dumbledore to have both actor portrayals of him - but TBH I always preferred Harris in the role so I could probably give Gambon a miss.
Triwizard Harry might be tempting just for the sheer number of accessory options, but thats it.
The Golden Trio + Dumbledore + Snape + Draco would be one impressive display, I would love to add McGonnagal to that list and that would be enough for me, maybe Hagrid.
Oh and from later movies I would get a Voldemort.
Expensive to get them all though.
The reason why I have wavered a little on committing to Ron and Hermione.