I really don't understand how someone can't see "much of a difference" regardless of price.
I'm quite certain if both cost the same, everyone would grab the InArt.
I'm quite certain if both cost the same, everyone would grab the InArt.
Well, we are comparing HT and InArt protoypes. I think that's fair.
Got 2 years to see how HT's actual Batman is.
And that's fine. I'm not even one to say that Inart is some holy entity of a company. A lot still remains to be seen, although with how those Joker production photos are looking, they look to be coming pretty close to their prototype quality which is exciting.The Inart prototypes sure look great, yes. Keyword: Prototype.
We should probably wait until they release something in order to judge. I have their Joker doll on PO, so I'm not exactly hating.
Well of course they would! I see the difference....I'm just not willing to pay $450+ for that difference.I really don't understand how someone can't see "much of a difference" regardless of price.
I'm quite certain if both cost the same, everyone would grab the InArt.
The Inart prototypes sure look great, yes. Keyword: Prototype.
We should probably wait until they release something in order to judge. I have their Joker doll on PO, so I'm not exactly hating.
I want to see some production photos of the smirking face. That's my favorite.
This is exactly my stance. Would love a BvS Superman. Would be so easy for InArt to clean up there imo.Im going to stick with my Hot Toys order for The Batman (and hope the InArt isnt too insanely better when they both release) but if there is a Cavill Superman even as a spec on the horizon I will eagerly await that one.
This. I can eat $90. I can’t eat 900. Honestly, I was low-key hoping they’d fail so I wouldn’t have to worry about it. And now I’m looking at those Joker photos like “******* hell. I’m in trouble.”I have Joker and Penny on PO, but Ii will not hesitate to cancel my orders if the final product doesn't live up to my expectations.
I'm starting to think I'm blind or something because everyone is talking about the Inart prototype pictures (is this the only one?) like they absolutely devastate the Hot Toys offering and I am struggling to see what the huge apparent difference is.
The inart pic is not really well lit, its at a different angle... I just don't see how we can call this a proper comparison at the moment.
What I see in this picture impresses me... but does it blow the Hot Toys version into irrelevancy?
No, not yet.
I need a full figure reveal to make that decision.
Now, please don't think I am being facetious when I ask this - but can someone genuinely explain to me what the significant differences between these two they can see at the moment? I really mean that, I want to know and would love to have someone talk to me about it, maybe my attention to detail isn't what it once was.
The approximate differences I can see ATM (I say differences as without reference pics before me I can't recall what's more accurate) are:
- smoother cowl, leather texture and stitching on Inart version - more aesthetically pleasing
- Inart chest piece looks bigger (maybe camera angle)
- shoulder pads on Inart figure are not as glossy
- cape collar seems to fit neck better on Inart and cape itself seems to attach differently to Hot Toys (hard to tell if thats camera angle or just how the cape has been posed rather than some actual issue)
- proportions seem to be more aesthetically pleasing on the Inart (unsure about accuracy without photos)
Would love to know what everyone else is seeing.
Without more photos I'm just not getting that huge visual jump/difference I saw between the Inart Pennywise and Hot Toys Pennywise which made the latter look like a cheap toy in comparison.... maybe its just me?
You're not getting me mate - that is the effect I am NOT feeling from this Batman promo pic so far,You answered your own question with your Pennywise comparison so now just simply extrapolate that unto Batman.