InArt - The Batman 1/6th Figure

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I have no dog in this fight.
Liked the movie but not really into batman.
The costume is great, looked down to earth and practical.
Still very excited about both figures and how this competition will benefit us no matter who 'wins'

Mash up of the figures, they both look darn good, can't wait for some real life comparisons!
HT InArt mix1.jpg

HT InArt mix2.jpg
I just keep looking at the pictures over and over and the one big takeaway that I’m really drawn to is the eyes. I waited ******* years for Hot Toys to stop giving every Batman their giant great googly moogly eyes and this just proves my point. He looks so much more natural and human and honestly? Real. That natural squint is engrained in the character of Batman. I feel like everybody from Keaton up through Pattinson has done it to a degree, and it absolutely shows what a difference it makes when a company pays attention.
I just keep looking at the pictures over and over and the one big takeaway that I’m really drawn to is the eyes. I waited ******* years for Hot Toys to stop giving every Batman their giant great googly moogly eyes and this just proves my point. He looks so much more natural and human and honestly? Real. That natural squint is engrained in the character of Batman. I feel like everybody from Keaton up through Pattinson has done it to a degree, and it absolutely shows what a difference it makes when a company pays attention.
My thought about the eye squint is I feel every Batman actor in their performance tried to make their eyes be as striking as when Batman squints his eyes in the comics/animated series (especially BTAS) where they are all white and have a glow to them to show his intensity. I agree that InArt finally gave the eyes a proper accurate slight squinted look. Like seriously LOOK AT IT!! LOL
My thought about the eye squint is I feel every Batman actor in their performance tried to make their eyes be as striking as when Batman squints his eyes in the comics/animated series (especially BTAS) where they are all white and have a glow to them to show his intensity. I agree that InArt finally gave the eyes a proper accurate slight squinted look. Like seriously LOOK AT IT!! LOL View attachment 595229
Agreed on all counts. I’m not gonna lie: I’ve also wondered if it had anything to do with discomfort from the cowl being so tight fitting around their eyes. :lol
Agreed on all counts. I’m not gonna lie: I’ve also wondered if it had anything to do with discomfort from the cowl being so tight fitting around their eyes. :lol
Probably that too but let's pretend they cared enough. Lmao
I need to cancel the Hot Toys deluxe it seems. Just waiting for the detailed showcase video which is supposed to come out this week and I'll be completely sold. Won't have the money for all in because I have like 10 pre-orders and I am waiting for some Limtoys announcements as well. But I am reaally tempted to order the Rooted Hair Batman.
Waking up to these new photos and just amazing! This is definitely the wow factor that was (only slightly) missing from the first reveal. Damn, this just looks absolutely incredible.
This is actually the best 1/6 batman figure to date to my eyes. I went all in after this, they literally look like statues. Thank god for inart for revolutionizing 1/6 scale I don't know how it can be better than this 🔥
Revolutionising the 1/6 scale prototypes you mean. I'm still waiting for the release of the Joker to see if the general release matches the quality of their prototype.
It's a lot of pressure because if they mess up these first releases they would lose a lot of preorders on their newer figures. I hope for the best that it's on par.
It's a lot of pressure because if they mess up these first releases they would lose a lot of preorders on their newer figures. I hope for the best that it's on par.
Which is why i think they’ll most likely succeed. They’re already a company with a solid reputation statue wise, launching this 1/6th line needs to work so their entire brand doesn’t become a laughing stock. I can’t imagine a well established company would do this unprepared.

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