InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Aragorn 1:6

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I started a thread that I believe is a real necessity for the community, and I hope that it can grow to be effective that way.

If it concerns anybody here (and I'm sure if you've been collecting a long time it does) then I would appreciate your participation.

Remember, the intention is not to shame anyone, but pressure, or hold them accountable, and help build a reference which people can rely on to avoid being in the same situation.

I'll only post this in a few threads.
I’m shocked we’re even seeing a “first batch” so soon. I figured we wouldn’t even see anything regarding the production of this until towards the end of the year.
Could explain why Batman has been taking so long to ship. Seems they've been ramping up their production. Hope Superman releases later this year idk if I could handle 3 releases over the summer lol
Really surprised to see it shipping "soon".
But if the influencers and vips are getting theirs in June/July, I will never get it this year.
Imagine being one of those VIP customers who clearly spends loads of money with Queen/InArt and hearing you’ve earned yourself the privilege of being a guinea pig in the ‘QC test batch.’
Eh.. I'd take it.

Imagine Inart pulls a molecule8 and disappears. Those first batch Batman and Aragorn figures would be worth a fortune. lol
With how my Gandalf turned out, I feel like I'm a guinea pig without having any of those first batch privileges.
With how long Gandalf took, and already seeing Aragorn start to trickle out, it makes it seem like wait is not quite so long. Hopefully, the 'influencers' are honest with their feedback and don't just kiss butt to ensure their first batch privileges.
I still take issue with this ‘influencer’ and ‘vip’ batch…

I get trying to raise brand awareness…but to the detriment of the hundreds of other customers that PURCHASED their figure? And at times, PURCHASED MULTIPLES? I guess I’m not a strong enough influencer, but as for VIP, the customer that’s ’been Loyal or purchased every product’…Where do I fall in then? I own 2 InArt Jokers, 2 Gandalf, still waiting on my 2 Batman, PO’d THREE Cavill Superman, 2 Aragorn and 2 Joaquin Joker etc etc, did I make the cutoff?

This influencer and vip batch is supremely off putting…it’s basically saying ‘the rest of you PEASANTS will have to wait once the lords, ladies and their knights and maidens receive theirs’…

Like…wth? It’s kind of insulting to be honest. I don’t for a second believe John’s “QC batch”. Wanna know why? BECAUSE YOU DO NOT WANT THOSE INFLUENCERS TO REVIEW A POTENTIALLY FLAWED FIGURE.

All of this is quite frankly…asinine. All it’s does is put a bigger wedge between InArt and the peasan- I mean consumer. It’s bad enough us commoners have to wait until first class citizens get their seats first…now I gotta deal with that with my toys? 🤣🤣

Is this the point where I turn on InArt? NO. But whoever is making these decisions needs to get fired.

Sorry for the whine and cheese. It’s just getting frustrating.


I still take issue with this ‘influencer’ and ‘vip’ batch…

I get trying to raise brand awareness…but to the detriment of the hundreds of other customers that PURCHASED their figure? And at times, PURCHASED MULTIPLES? I guess I’m not a strong enough influencer, but as for VIP, the customer that’s ’been Loyal or purchased every product’…Where do I fall in then? I own 2 InArt Jokers, 2 Gandalf, still waiting on my 2 Batman, PO’d THREE Cavill Superman, 2 Aragorn and 2 Joaquin Joker etc etc, did I make the cutoff?

This influencer and vip batch is supremely off putting…it’s basically saying ‘the rest of you PEASANTS will have to wait once the lords, ladies and their knights and maidens receive theirs’…

Like…wth? It’s kind of insulting to be honest. I don’t for a second believe John’s “QC batch”. Wanna know why? BECAUSE YOU DO NOT WANT THOSE INFLUENCERS TO REVIEW A POTENTIALLY FLAWED FIGURE.

All of this is quite frankly…asinine. All it’s does is put a bigger wedge between InArt and the peasan- I mean consumer. It’s bad enough us commoners have to wait until first class citizens get their seats first…now I gotta deal with that with my toys? 🤣🤣

Is this the point where I turn on InArt? NO. But whoever is making these decisions needs to get fired.

Sorry for the whine and cheese. It’s just getting frustrating.

Yep. I've got a negative view of "influencers" for the most part, who seem to be a cheap form of fluffy advertising - cheap for companies who provide trips, free meals, junk bags. Possibly there's less legal liability as well, since who controls what some Y-tuber sez who wants to make sure the flow of free stuff continues?
Yep. I've got a negative view of "influencers" for the most part, who seem to be a cheap form of fluffy advertising - cheap for companies who provide trips, free meals, junk bags. Possibly there's less legal liability as well, since who controls what some Y-tuber sez who wants to make sure the flow of free stuff continues?
I still take issue with this ‘influencer’ and ‘vip’ batch…

I get trying to raise brand awareness…but to the detriment of the hundreds of other customers that PURCHASED their figure? And at times, PURCHASED MULTIPLES? I guess I’m not a strong enough influencer, but as for VIP, the customer that’s ’been Loyal or purchased every product’…Where do I fall in then? I own 2 InArt Jokers, 2 Gandalf, still waiting on my 2 Batman, PO’d THREE Cavill Superman, 2 Aragorn and 2 Joaquin Joker etc etc, did I make the cutoff?

This influencer and vip batch is supremely off putting…it’s basically saying ‘the rest of you PEASANTS will have to wait once the lords, ladies and their knights and maidens receive theirs’…

Like…wth? It’s kind of insulting to be honest. I don’t for a second believe John’s “QC batch”. Wanna know why? BECAUSE YOU DO NOT WANT THOSE INFLUENCERS TO REVIEW A POTENTIALLY FLAWED FIGURE.

All of this is quite frankly…asinine. All it’s does is put a bigger wedge between InArt and the peasan- I mean consumer. It’s bad enough us commoners have to wait until first class citizens get their seats first…now I gotta deal with that with my toys? 🤣🤣

Is this the point where I turn on InArt? NO. But whoever is making these decisions needs to get fired.

Sorry for the whine and cheese. It’s just getting frustrating.

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Shut up peasant. Know your place. Lol!

Danoby reviewing a sexdoll I see.
I'm thinking the 1st non influencer batches from someone like kit would be around end of July/August.

Batman has both Bats and Bruce so could be why it's taking a bit longer.
Yep. I've got a negative view of "influencers" for the most part, who seem to be a cheap form of fluffy advertising - cheap for companies who provide trips, free meals, junk bags. Possibly there's less legal liability as well, since who controls what some Y-tuber sez who wants to make sure the flow of free stuff continues?

The ones with integrity and give a good to honest review can help persuade those who are still on the fence of a certain product to keep their preorder, OR to inform the consumer that this brand is reliable so when one preorders their next item, they’ll know they’re in good hands….

BUT that falls apart when the length of time between this ‘influencer batch’ and general audience batch (aka peasant batch) is stretched so far between releases that IMO does more harm than good.