Feng's is definately the best likeness to Cobb and Dicaprio, then Sunoch's, then Headplay which looks zero like either the character or DiCaprio. In fact the head that comes with the ACI body looks more like it then Headplay which looks way too thin and asian IMO. Easily Headplay's worst likeness.
I get the opinion thing but people put too much into that sometimes. Opinions can be wrong. A blind person their whole life has never seen a color, so in their opinion the sky could be green and becasue they dont know any better thats fine. But the fact is to the majority of society, we have come togeather and agreed the color were going to call the sky is blue.
The same rules of shapes and features accepted by the majority of people apply here, and the fact is that from a guy who owns none of them and is not biased, Feng's looks the most like Dicaprio. Its fine if you prefer another, thats where the IMO works, but the fact remains those two look little like who they are supposed to.
Bravo to my man Deckard who had the guts to put it all out there on the line and state the blunt reality without sounding like a d!ck about it.
There's no room for budging on this one.
Now where can I find that damn gun??
Really? Cos I kinda thought he did sound like a d!ck.

There are certain "shapes and features" that Feng captured better, and certain "shapes and features" that Headplay captured better. That leaves room for varying opinions...
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