I was thinking about the likeness comparison issue today, and I think I realized why the Headplay sculpt looks more like Leo to me.
The hardest faces to capture are those with the fewest pronounced facial features. Leo has a very well proportion face, which means that it's hard for a sculptor to focus on certain features. Take Sunohc's Arthur for example. It is not a terribly accurate likeness in my opinion, but it absolutely brings out certain features of JGL's face (dumbo ears, long distance from eyes to lips). Sunohc's Arthur is almost a caricature of Joseph Gordon Levitt. A
caricature is defined as "a portrait that exaggerates or distorts the essence of a person or thing to create an
easily identifiable visual likeness." This is why Arthur works.
I think the Headplay sculptor has managed to do this with Dicaprio, which as I said is difficult because his face is so evenly proportioned. The only feature that I can put my finger on is the one that gets the most criticism: The squinty eyes. They are exaggerated a bit, but they make me think of Cobb.
So while Fengs perhaps gets the ratios closer to correct, it doesn't remind me of Leo as much.