I fiiiiinally saw this.
No, it's not better than the 1st one, whoever thinks that is a silly willy, the original is a 90's classic.
But yeah it was exactly what I thought.
I can see what some people may think of as plotholes, and half of them probably are legitimate plotholes, that and so much unnecessary **** made me give it a 6.5/10, but a solid 6.5.
All the "pass the torch" characters were soooooooo useless and unnecessary, you could've had 1 or 2 good characters our of those 5 and streamline the story a lot.
Remove that stupid ass lawyer guy, the most unnecessary character in recent history.
A lot of unnecessary drama that added nothing to the tension or the story, except Dr Okun stuff, he and his boyfriend were pretty adorable actually, wait a minute, Dr Okun was gay?


I didn't mind it, I actually thought it was cute but it just came out of left field.
I liked David's father with the kids but they could've made that shorter too.
All of that and some rushed pacing and some pretty obvious greenscreen, all that is the bad.
But it was very entertaining, action was good, CGI was good, I understand how CGI can be numbing, but I think cities being pulled up would look exactly like that so I was able to empathize and be slightly amazed without problem, air fights were very good actually.
Kaiju moment with the queen was fantastic, the design of the queen's biosuit was phenomenal, this alien race is straight up Lovecraft, I love it, I want toys.
The introduction of a digital race to aid the humans was just great, one of some of the Sci-Fi concepts that this movie pulls off so well, I very much hope they make the third one.
Also, there's some stuff in here that could make good movies on its own, like the African war part, I want to see that movie directed by Blomkamp.