Indiana jones 5-6 :@)?

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I wonder who he'll mentor this time? Mutt's daughter? Willie Scott's forgotten child with him? Grown up Short Round with Short Round's kid?

all of the above- big mistake to make another....following the $$$ with Ford's new popularity in TFA
I suspect Ford will appear as elderly Indy recounting tales of his past, a la the Young Indy Chronicles. Most of the movie/s will be a "flashback" starring Chris Pratt.
They'd NEVER do it, but I would LOVE to see a totally stripped down version of an Indy film. Get rid of all the sidekicks, ditch all the CG-heavy action sequences, dump the corny comedy, and give us a down-and-dirty solo Indy getting sweaty and bloodying his knuckles. Strip the whole thing down and take it seriously, Bourne-style. Keep what is essential about the character and scrape away all the barnacles that have built up on the hull over the years.

But like I said, they'll never do that.
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Disney getting rid of Lucas like order 66 becoming the Galactic Empire...Disney I heard just recovered the Shakra stones and got the Ark of the Covenant out of storage to take over the world as an indesructable army...Not even James Cameron and Chuck Norris combined will be able to stop them ...Disney is Skynet...for real
Indy 5 will be a remake of Raiders...mark my words....:lol

All the Indiana Jones movies are basically the same, or at least have the same structure.

We join Indy in the middle of a big adventure at start of film.
Indy is approached by interested party to find lost item.
Indy is forced into journey with (at first) annoying companion.
Companion gets kidnapped by bad guys, Indy must rescue companion.
Indy finds item, big chase involving getting to or getting back item.
Indy beats villain, comes to terms with companion and item is returned to rightful owner or residing place.

In all fairness, most sequels are merely rehashes of preceding film.
Indiana Jones and the return of the the end of the film when it looks like this is the end for our hero the Crystal Skull �� Alien comes to rescue Indy and put the Ark back ....I like it ��
Scientists engineer a new religious artifact even more powerful than all previous ones (because, "Now I know why they wouldn't tell us what it is, it's part Ark!" But in the end as the little Shankara Stones are distracting the new foe Indy opens Warehouse 9 and the original Ark of the Covenant unleashes it's energy one last time to save the day.
Personally I would like more Indys but only if done right. Still like the Young Indy show and would watch a animated version as well.