Take it with a grain of salt but I do know someone who is in contact with people in production of the movie and he told me that a lot of the leaks line up with what this guy is saying. But take it with a grain of saltLinks!! I love spoiling crap I know I'm not gonna see? Is it on reddit or something?
I assume you mean a plot synopsis, not the actual movie.
The only thing I want to get confirmed (by someone I trust, not a random reddit source) is if he dies or not. If he does, I won't be seeing it. I know, I know... "people die, even heroes, death is a part of life bla bla bla"... but Indy is the type of pulp hero in western storytelling canon that ALWAYS gets away, somehow, to go on adventuring (or in this case... perhaps retirement).Here’s another link where the same guy mentions a bit more on the plot. Gotta say, if the ending is true that’s probably the best ending we’ve gotten for a legacy hero these past years. They didn’t Star Wars this at all. What a miracle
I can't imagine a profit-driven mega-corporation would ever cynically dispose of beloved legacy heroes in a perfunctory manner for the purpose of replacing them with algorithmically correct simulacra they want to wedge into pop culture non-organically in an attempt to rerun history and reap massive dividends from children and general audiences.... but Indy is the type of pulp hero in western storytelling canon that ALWAYS gets away, somehow, to go on adventuring (or in this case... perhaps retirement).
I can't imagine a profit-driven mega-corporation would ever cynically dispose of beloved legacy heroes in a perfunctory manner for the purpose of replacing them with algorithmically correct simulacra they want to wedge into pop culture non-organically in an attempt to rerun history and reap massive dividends from children and general audiences.
Now there's a deep cut."Please, sit down, Baudrillard, before you fall down. We can at least behave like civilized people."
Terrific, though Rhys-Davies not on the poster is a bit upsetting.