Broke and happy
Foundation season 2 trailer from Apple + looks better than Dune 2

And his dalliance with Carrie Fischer in SW EP IV (H. ford) so fiction doesn’t stray too far from reality…The legacy of that lived on in Campbell Black novelization:
Indiana Jones: tomb raider, thief and cradle snatcher.
The film contains the "I was a child...it was wrong and you knew it." But it's quickly glossed over.
And his dalliance with Carrie Fischer in SW EP IV (H. ford) so fiction doesn’t stray too far from reality…
Warren Beatty must've been jealous.
Honestly I doubt Disney is all that concerned about this loss, given they have all the money in the world and the Indy franchise is effectively ended with this movie anyway. They're probably a lot more worried about Marvel and SW right now and the dip in interest they're starting to see from audiences, as those are ones they really need to keep going strong and bringing in money.Is it though? It's a bit early to call its final numbers but even if it loses $250 to $300M, those are today's dollars. There have been some pretty expensive failures in the past (Waterworld, John Carter, The Lone Ranger, etc.) that might challenge DoD when adjusted for inflation. I'm not arguing your contention that it will be a massive financial failure, just the "beyond compare" part. And if it makes only slightly more than you're assuming then The Flash is definitely in the running as well for biggest flop.
I think it's more a strange fascination with how lechery is depicted - sold - in the media over those decades... as freedom, as fun, as edgy, but mostly, as moral progress.Felinx has a strange fascination with lechery through the decades.
I think it's more a strange fascination with how lechery is depicted - sold - in the media over those decades... as freedom, as fun, as edgy, but mostly, as moral progress.
Agree, I just said this elsewhere but people are missing the boat on a fun Summer Adventure movie with a beloved character. I feel like this one will be ‘discovered’ and appreciated later. I’m looking forward to getting the Figure based on how much I enjoyed the movie.Just saw the movie, and I don't understand why it isn't more of a financial success. I absolutely loved it!! Script was a million times better than Crystal Skull. Indy's final outing deserved a better reception.
Maybe this one will have some legs to get its final tally to respectable territory. Seems to be doing ok overseas.
Toxic fandom is toxic.Just saw the movie, and I don't understand why it isn't more of a financial success. I absolutely loved it!! Script was a million times better than Crystal Skull. Indy's final outing deserved a better reception.
Once Barbie and Oppenheimer hit I agree but something tells me that Disney has a deal to keep DoD at those 4,600 theaters until they arrive so they'll squeeze every last cent out of it before throwing in the towel.
Like I said, I was surprised there was an audience at yesterday’s matinee. We usually wait a couple of weeks to see a movie once it’s out and the Flash was empty when we saw it. I’m not saying this will be a hit, just that there’s is still a paying audience out there.Once Barbie and Oppenheimer hit I agree but something tells me that Disney has a deal to keep DoD at those 4,600 theaters until they arrive so they'll squeeze every last cent out of it before throwing in the towel.
True. The movie was killed by the negative buzz generated by trolls and anti-woke people assuming that the movie wouold be a disaster. Which is not. Of course there's a genuine part of the fandom who was not interested in an old Indy flick. But even those people tend to express their opinion in a toxic way.Word of mouth is too slow for modern Hollywood. A movie in the summer has about 2-weeks to prove itself, assuming there's competition for the space.
Sadly, a movie that "catches on" -- not that this is it -- could take 3-4 weeks to see numbers improve and by that time the studios have scheduled to pull it for a streaming date.
James Mangold shares just as much blame as the "trolls." He went out of his way to fan the flames of negativity many months before release.True. The movie was killed by the negative buzz generated by trolls and anti-woke people assuming that the movie wouold be a disaster. Which is not. Of course there's a genuine part of the fandom who was not interested in an old Indy flick. But even those people tend to express their opinion in a toxic way.
It's a know phenomenon. When you get overjoyed when things go bad for others, when you are excited to see things that crash and burn. It's called Schadenfreude in psicology.