Personally I’ve always loved this look:
Love it. While that issue wasn't by Steranko, after Kirby,
Steranko did help define the look and tone for the more Adventure seeking Nick Fury for a generation which included Lucas and Spielberg. Not as celebrated as McQuarrie is for SW, Steranko (amongst many other influences Bogart, Lad's China, Heston's Incas, Spy Smasher, Zorro and other serials etc..) then helped realize the design and presence of Indiana Jones (chomping cigarillo here), as well as his illustrations for Rober E Howard's El Borak (sadly even less known by todays supposed fandom) , which Lucas referenced as a starting template. (Lucas' actual notes on Steranko's El Borak)
Steranko doesn't seem nearly as celebrated as McQuarrie is for SW in helping realize the design and presence of Indiana Jones.
Yet he left an awesome visual impact.
Going forward personally I have little interest in whatever direction or inevitable reboot Disney and some fans are reimagining the character for modern audience.
Be it plastic Ryan Gosling or Chris Pine, or the likes? Or worse knowing Disney, their new gender and race swapped Indy, or legacy character.
Who will now be a virtue signaling social justice warrior, trying to steal artifacts from the evil museums, and return them to their original place? Or however they want to ruin the character.
Rant warning:
For me Jones pretty much began and ends with the Steranko drawings and Ford's portrayal.
There is however if they wanted to continue the spirit of the franchise without ruining Jones, a somewhat less defined prototype character I would follow
And it wouldn't be so much a reboot degrading the original, but more a prequel, adding to it.
That is the untold adventures of
Fedora/Abner Ravenwood (in the original script) before he had Marion or met young Jones.
Moving away from the virtue signaling garbage Disney is moving towards, and instead moving even further back into the pulps, and movie serials Lucas and Spielberg grew up with.
A more morally ambiguous character, even more of a soldier of fortune, closer to the gritty hard-boiled Steranko take . Being somewhat less defined they can still cast someone new to great effect ....
Though it makes to much sense, and would actually have to add to the franchise not replace it, so they will never do it.
Unfortunately, instead the new "creators" at Disney who don't actually like and resent this^ character and the world he represents, will want to reboot (I mean "fix") Jones, to their likeness and todays audience.
That definitive and fantastic Steranko drawing is the absolute antithesis of that, he represents everything they hate.