Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (June 30th, 2023)

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All this Dial of Destiny needed to do was time travel back to the end credits of the Last Crusade and leave it at that. Perfection.

OMG, there's been so many over the years... not necessarily the "trilogy" bit, but the promise of "so much more" coming. But of course now I can't think of a really good one. I think the first time I really noticed it was the talk after 'Never Say Never Again' that there would be another Connery Bond movie coming. Or more "Remo Williams" adventures if you go back that far. "King Kong 2" was dangled in 1976. "Buckaroo Banzai" promised more adventures but that was more a title card promise than actual verbal promotion from the producers. "Rocketeer" is another one -- I know a lot of people liked that movie but it was only mediocre if you were older than 12 at the time. Arnold was a very famous shiller for even his bad movies, and often said he was going to do more. Stallone too. Cobra sequel to Commando sequel had been promised. And of course, almost every rotten sequel you've ever seen -- from Alien/Predator/Terminator to Romancing the Stone sequel to Speed sequels to Mask sequels -- on and on -- has been promoted that more would follow.
I see what you meant. I think I was thinking more along the lines of a studio playing damage control (due to bad press/leaks etc.) while simultaneously promoting the future of the movie(s), that itself being part of the damage control. I'm not a Disney basher by any means, and I blame the folks at Lucasfilm more than I do Disney proper, but they appear to corner the market on that lately.

Maybe because they own everything.
Oh yeah, the vitriol against bad movies had increased exponentially with social media and the "everyone has a voice" tech. So the studio doubling-down to support its garbage has also gotten much worse.

Everything gets worse with age. It's only normalized if you are born into it.
OMG, there's been so many over the years... not necessarily the "trilogy" bit, but the promise of "so much more" coming. But of course now I can't think of a really good one. I think the first time I really noticed it was the talk after 'Never Say Never Again' that there would be another Connery Bond movie coming. Or more "Remo Williams" adventures if you go back that far. "King Kong 2" was dangled in 1976. "Buckaroo Banzai" promised more adventures but that was more a title card promise than actual verbal promotion from the producers. "Rocketeer" is another one -- I know a lot of people liked that movie but it was only mediocre if you were older than 12 at the time. Arnold was a very famous shiller for even his bad movies, and often said he was going to do more. Stallone too. Cobra sequel to Commando sequel had been promised. And of course, almost every rotten sequel you've ever seen -- from Alien/Predator/Terminator to Romancing the Stone sequel to Speed sequels to Mask sequels -- on and on -- has been promoted that more would follow.
I also distinctly remember them announcing a sequel to the Green Lantern movie before it came out. Lol
I also distinctly remember them announcing a sequel to the Green Lantern movie before it came out. Lol

Yep. Like I said, I can't remember the volume of empty promises over the years, many times for sequels I didn't want to see anyway so they get lost in the haze of memories through the decades.
Oh yeah, the vitriol against bad movies had increased exponentially with social media and the "everyone has a voice" tech. So the studio doubling-down to support its garbage has also gotten much worse.

Everything gets worse with age. It's only normalized if you are born into it.
Very well put. (y)
It’s sad we have become so preoccupied with RT, social media and reviews. A lot of the reviewers these days wouldn’t know a tracking shot from a nappy. I guess we have always been this way obsessed with numbers etc in some form or another but I love going to the movies and talking about movies and I will make up my own mind not based on this talking.

My son loves all the Indy movies and makes me watch them constantly but Raiders as far as I am concerned is the only great masterpiece among them and even that got a number of really negative “sound and fury signifying nothing” reviews back in 81. I have a lot of time for Indiana Jones & The Temple Of Doom (again a lot of negativity for Kate Capshaw who I love it that film) and Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade (has a huge level of stupidity especially Brody and Sallah but has Connery god bless him and the film is imminently quotable, even the stupid stuff). The less said about Indiana Jones & The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull the better. It is just bad filmmaking and I think even Spielberg would probably admit it (if he hasn’t already done so). I will see this and give a view once I have seen it. But not before.
See the cost of this? $300 million. What are the chances of this breaking even?
More bad reviews are flowing in now. Yikes.

Couldn't see this coming a mile away... brilliant!!!!!

When you have KK at the helm, an angry Mangold who attacks fans because he knows his film is so ****, and PWB (Hollywood's poster girl of all that is "modern audiences"), this piece of ass was always going to be doomed from the very beginning.

I see my job here is done.

Now, where is that Beetlejuice 2 thread. Let me start the hate over there now...


The only thing that surprises me is how many of you actually clung to the tiny shred of hope that this would be a good movie in any way. This thing was dead on arrival from the very start. This thread written by angry nerds like me complaining about how lousy this movie will be had far more entertainment value than this joyless Disney product will.
Um... they produced a movie set in the banner year of global Far Left terrorism (hundreds of kidnappings, murders, bombings over the following decade) with Indy's in-movie university even situated ten minutes from the notorious real-world Greenwich Village explosion of 1970.... but they made the Far Right the villains? Now that's... HOLLYWOOD! :rotfl
I've always thought this was going to be bad, Crystal Skull bad, or a slightly worse...

But from what I've been reading, HOLY COW is this thing going to be horrid. Not bad, but really unlikable, joyless, and horrid. I just can't believe some of the decisions that have been made.

I heard the term "scrapbooking" some time back about how some movies are thrown together in Hollywood these days, and this appears to be the granddaddy of scrapbooking.

And some of the dialogue I've recently read/seen is truly baffling.

Basically, it's a cluster**** without any redemption... and sadly, that makes me really happy.

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