Super Freak
Wow. Those are great pics. If I don't get him for Christmas I'm definitely ordering on the 26th.
No actually you didn't because it was never shown. Nice try though. The proto paint that was in Sideshows original pics wasn't my work. However if you would like to see what it was suppose to look like visit my blog.
This was before i added all the fine detailing in the eyes , scratches, and skin tones. I posted a pic of his hand on my blog as well if you want to check it out.
Just going by the pic you posted.
And for the record I wasn't trying to insult you. Just pointing out that your style and taste aren't for everyone. Obviously your take on the PF wasn't to Sideshow's taste since they didn't use it. People seem to be happy with the way the PF turned out. So your opinion wasn't the end of the story.
You've been critical of other people's work so I figured you could take it.
You are going off a pic i posted of a sculpt that was about 40% complete Anyway you are intitled to your own opinion and be as critical as you like but know what your talking about before you leave comments.
Theres no revolver included with this PF right? Just wana be sure im not missing it from mine.
No gun.