Indiana Jones & The Kingdom of The Crystal Skull Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

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I'm amazed that the whole plot hasn't been spoiled yet. We know plenty about the settings and a little about the action sequences but the plot itself and the characters are still largely a mystery.

But I'd bet that ET turns up at the end and kicks Commie ass.
The plot will be spoiled when people start getting early copies of the novel and comic in mid-late April. That's when I leave the SPOILER forums until the movie comes out. The closer we get to the actual release of a movie, the LESS I want to know.

It's been 19 years since an INDY film. To me, it makes zero sense to want to spoil it when the film is a matter of days away.
... And now it appears as if people are getting the standard version of DK's "The Ultimate Guide" early:


This particular person isn't posting any of the KOTCS material from the book, but it's only a matter of time before someone else does. Be ready.
Irish, what's the difference between the standard version of the DK guide and the collector's version?

Also, anyone know if the Lucasfilm book about Indy will have one version or two, like the wonderful 'making of Star Wars' book last year, which had extra storyboards in the HB edition?

As for spoilers I'm philosophical about it - I'm going to buy every book and official magazine about the new film, so I'm sure I'll end up reading them accidentally.
We know from the trailer that the Ark will likely make a cameo, I really hope to see the fertility idol again and learn that Indy finally recovered it.
These were on the official site before they closed up and slapped a "coming soon" tag over the cast section:



Aww, man. Wish I didn't see that.:(

Can I be pretty much guaranteed no one's going to put any spoiler heavy stuff in here? I really wanna avoid that stuff, but goodness know's it going to be hard to. Isn't there a seperate spolier thread going now?