Good thread!
It took me a couple of times seeing it to shake off the newness of it, but once that was done, I love it. I have about decided I like it more than LC, and in some ways, more than TOD, but those only stay ahead due to pure out Indy action, and that is not Harrison's fault for being older.
And, for what it's worth, neither the monkeys nor the prairie dogs bothered me at all. LOVE the ants! Wicked stuff! Best of all though is all the dead bodies everywhere. That was a hoot. Gruff had it right from the get go, this is indeed, an Indiana Jones movie. It is different, but aren't they all, from each other? So, go with it.
Didn't know it was so negative in other threads. Haven't been in and posting much, so I'll keep my comments in here. Easy enough.